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AAK: Demarcation as condition for the army, a deceit (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has reacted through a press release to the statement of the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, who claimed that establishment of the Kosovo Armed Force (KAF), is conditioned with the ratification of the Agreement for demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

The press release requests from the government of Kosovo not to link up its failed situations.

Lekaj to MPs: Demarcation deal will be a crime (media)

Most news websites cover Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Pal Lekaj’s call to other MPs not to ratify the current version of the border demarcation deal with Montenegro. “If you think by ratifying an agreement that is damaging for the country will help you stay in power for longer, perhaps in the political sense you could be right, but nature has its own rules and once you are no longer in power, the future generations will rightfully judge you as traitors. More than a mistake, the ratification of the demarcation deal will be a crime.

AAK and NISMA agree to be part of demarcation committee (RTK)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they will agree to be part of a committee that would review the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, only if the government dismisses the current committee led by Murat Meha. NISMA representatives told Radio Kosova today that they are willing to contribute to the stabilization of the political situation, “but the government too needs to reflect so that political normality can be restored”.

AAK and NISMA to boycott Assembly’s voting on EULEX mandate (Gazeta Blic)

Officials from two opposition parties – the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – announced plans to continue boycotting Kosovo Assembly’s session, including the one set to vote on extending the mandate for the EU rule of law mission, EULEX. AAK’s Muharrem Nitaj said the party’s MPs would not take part in the session and the same was confirmed by Bilall Sherifi from NISMA.  The largest opposition party, Vetëvendosje, is however expected to take part in the session but will vote against extension of EULEX mandate.

AAK: What is happening in Zvečan is Serbia’s return to Kosovo (Telegrafi)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), through a press statement today said that the announcement that today will begin the construction of 300 houses for Serbs in Zvečan/Zveçan, a project funded by the government of Serbia, it is only an attempt by Serbia to colonize Kosovo.  According to  the AAK, Serbia cannot create any projects in Kosovo.  “The government of Kosovo has a constitutional obligation to defend the country from external interference, like this one.

AAK to return to Assembly only about demarcation issue (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) deputy leader, Ali Berisha, told a press conference on Wednesday that his party will not participate in the next session of the Kosovo Assembly scheduled for tomorrow.  Berisha said the AAK has decided to boycott the Assembly until the issue of border-demarcation with Montenegro will be addressed in the Assembly.

AAK still undecided whether to return to Assembly (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) responded positively to the call for a joint meeting between the three opposition parties, initiated by the leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri. AAK’s senior member and spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, told the news site that the AAK is ready for a joint meeting, however, they first need to know the topics to be discussed during that meeting.  “We are open to meet anyone, but it depends on what will be discussed during those meetings.

Border demarcation to reunite opposition parties? (Kallxo)

Officials from the three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have not ruled out the possibility of joining their forces to oppose the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The agreement is expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly within two months. Vetëvendosje spokesperson Frashër Krasniqi said the future protest could be called in cooperation with other opposition parties.

AAK: Border demarcation to be renegotiated in Brussels (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has proposed the issue of the border demarcation with Montenegro be renegotiated in Brussels. In a press release, the AAK said the statements by certain Kosovo government officials that the border demarcation should be first ratified by the Assembly and then corrected are “dangerous” and “malicious”. “Demarcation with Montenegro has been done badly and to the detriment of Kosovo. Those who put Kosovo into this serious trouble should be held accountable before the people and before the law.

Thaçi: Commission for Association, opposition does not welcome it (RTKlive)

The proposal of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, to create a special commission for the Association/Community of the Serbian-majority Communities, was not welcomed by the three opposition parties. According to them, the proposal is not serious and it is a joke on Kosovo politics.