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Valon Kabashi, the first identified member of the Albanian National Army (RTS)

Valon Kabashi from Orahovac, who was killed during the conflict in Kumanovo, was first identified member of the Albanian National Army, which the United Nations declared as a terrorist organization.  Kosovo Albanian media published a photo of Valon Kabashi in a uniform of Albanian National Army, announcing the funeral of eight members of the "Kumanovo Group".

Brush concerned over recent incidents in Kline/Klina (Tanjug, RTS, NMagazin, KIM radio, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio)

Deputy Special Representative of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Jennifer Brush has stressed her concern over the number of incidents in recent weeks targeting people returning to their homes in Kline/Klina, central Kosovo, UNMIK has stated.

She called on the authorities to investigate the events, bring the culprits to justice and take steps to prevent such incidents in the future.

Serb returnee Bogosav Dabizljevic was attacked and robbed in Kline/Klina on May 11, suffering three broken ribs in the process.

Ask Haradinaj about whereabouts of missing Serbs (Vesti)

Association of families of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija in 1998-2000 has forwarded to EULEX head Gabriele Meucci a list with names of 318 kidnapped civilians and names of Albanian perpetrators. The list was compiled by associations of families of kidnapped and missing persons based on testimonies following the end of conflict in Kosovo.

Odalovic: We have no information about new graves (RTK2)

President of the Commission for Missing Persons in the Serbian Government Veljko Odalović said that in order to continue clarifying the fate of missing persons in Kosovo, information about the new mass graves are required. "I hope that this year we will finally receive information about Kosare. We also request new search of Livočko Lake and Zilivode. However, these are our information. We did not receive information from the other side and I hope that Kosovo society will start to cooperate," said Odalović in the talk show Razgovor.

Joksimovic: Serbia will not additionally burden the Brussels process (Danas)

"Serbia will not further burden the Brussels-based dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," estimated Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration, responding to the question whether the announced Kosovo genocide lawsuit affect the talks on the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.  She specified that "Brussels dialogue is not an easy process," and that it should not be additionally burdened. "We will not do it," said Jadranka Joksimovic.

11 years since "March Pogrom" of Serbs in Kosovo (Dailies)

Tuesday marks the 11th anniversary of the large scale violence organized in Kosovo against Serbs, known in Serbia as "the March Pogrom."

An ethnic Albanian ripping out the cross from a Serb church (Image made from RTS video)The two days of rioting and attacks resulted in the deaths of eight Serbs and 11 Albanians and injured 954 people.

4,012 Serbs were driven from their homes, more than 900 houses belonging to Serbs, Romas and Ashakalis were set on fire, while 35 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed and desecrated.

Serbs and Albanians together are seeking missing persons (RTK2, Beta)

Association of missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija and the Association of missing Albanians have agreed with the families to seek together all disappeared.

This was after the meeting, "Non-governmental associations for Missing Persons - Example of best practice and cooperation between communities", in Pristina, said the coordinator of the Association for missing persons in Kosovo, Milorad Trifunovic.

Trifunovic told BETA that the policy remains the major obstacle to resolving the fate of missing Serbs and Albanians.