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Dacic to Thaci: KLA committed genocide against Serb people (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is "continuing with provocations," Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic observed on Wednesday.

According to Dacic, after "the debacle" of Thaci's idea to form the so-called Kosovo army, he is trying to "switch the domestic public's attention" to a different topic - a genocide lawsuit against Serbia.

UN sec-gen pledges to take action on journalist safety (B92)

RSF and CPJ urged UN Secretary General António Guterres to take steps to address the urgent issue of safety of journalists.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Secretary General Christophe Deloire and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Executive Director Joel Simon met with United Nations Secretary General António Guterres today to discuss the #ProtectJournalists campaign to appoint a UN Special Representative for the safety of journalists.

Đurić with Peter Due about dialogue and the recent moves of Pristina (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić met with Peter Due Director for Asia, Middle East, Europe and Latin America in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations, and informed him about the dialogue and the latest moves of Pristina.

Đurić said that Belgrade wants stability in the Serb-Albanian relations, because, as he said, it is the only guarantee of long-term survival of the Serbian people in the province.

Russian Ambasador: Russia’s stance towards Kosovo unchanged (RTK)

The Ambassador of Russia in Albania, Aleksandar Karpushin, stated that Russia’s position toward Kosovo continues to remain unchanged, sticking to resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. However, according to him, this position will not impede development of the relation between Russia and Albania. Karpushin criticized Albania for joining the European Union sanctions which according to him are anti-Russian and illegal.

Stop denying the cultural heritage of others - UN expert (B92)

Preliminary observations by the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Karima Bennoune, at the end of her October 3-14 visit to Serbia and Kosovo*

(*) Throughout this document, the reference to Kosovo shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights Karima Bennoune in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio,TV Most)

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune begins today a ten-day visit to Serbia and Kosovo. She will assess efforts to implement the right of all persons to participate in cultural life and the right to access and enjoy the cultural heritage. She will also consider the destruction of the heritage, both in the past and present.