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Azem Syla and Vidosav Nakovic, expropriated lands worth millions (

Insajderi has discovered that the main suspects among the 51 individuals, are Azem Syla, Shaban Syla, Ilaz Syla – Shaban Syla’s son, Azem Syla’s driver, Arton Vila, former head of the Pristina Municipality Court, Nuhi Uka, his uncle Tefik Uka, who worked as clerk at the Court, Shpresim Uka, Fahredin Gashi, lawyer Eduard Gashi, lawyer Mexhid Syla, lawyer Avni Maxhuni, his wife, Shqipe Maxhuni, Hajrullah Berisha, Dragan Maksimovic, Vukasin Stevic from Llapnaselle/Lapno Selo.

Police escorts Visar Ymeri to court (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Police escorted leader of the Vetevendosje movement Visar Ymeri, to court, for the session on the case of fighting with the MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Bekim Haxhiu.

Visar Ymeri, MP Rexhep Selimi, former MP Florin Krasniqi and driver, Besart Bujupi, are accused to have physically attacked Bekim Haxhiu known as Kamishi in 2012, in front of the Kosovo Assembly facilities.

Kosovo prosecutor sentenced to three years in prison for accepting bribe (Kosovapress)

The Basic Court in Pristina has sentenced Vahide Badivuku, prosecutor in Mitrovica, to three years in prison for accepting bribes under article 428 of the Kosovo’s Criminal Code. Badivuku has also been fined with 5,000 euros and banned from public service for a period of three years. Two other persons involved in Badivuku’s case were also found guilty by the court for trading in influence and co-perpetration of the criminal offense.

The Court places Ivanovic under house arrest (media)

Oliver Ivanovic, former leader of the Serbian Initiative (SDP) was convicted of war crimes at the Basic Court in Mitrovica on Thursday and sentenced to nine years in prison for ordering the murder of nine ethnic Albanians in Mitrovica on April 14, 1999. However, he was not found guilty on the charges of committing crimes in 2000.

Kosovo Serb Leader Ivanovic Jailed for War Crimes (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo Serb political party leader Oliver Ivanovic has been jailed for nine years for war crimes, convicted of ordering the murder of ethnic Albanians in Mitrovica in April 1999.

Ivanovic, a former Serbian government official and head of a Kosovo Serb political party called Freedom, Democracy, Justice, was convicted of war crimes at the Basic Court in Mitrovica on Thursday and jailed for nine years.


Serbia absent at meeting for European Convention in Pristina (Klan Kosova)

 The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, organized an international conference in Pristina on the “Interpretation and implementation of the European Convention for human rights by the Constitutional Courts in Western Balkans.” In addition to the judges of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, those of the Constitutional Courts of Croatia, Albania and Montenegro also participated in the conference, whilst Serbian representatives failed to attend.

Special Court foresees also arrest of those carrying positions of President, PM or Assembly President (

Drafters of the Law for the specialized chambers and the office of the specialized prosecutor have foreseen the possibility that the President, the Prime Minister and the President of the Assembly could be among the eventual suspects.

French Ambassador: Where are you heading with this corruption (Gazeta Express)

The French Ambassador to Kosovo, Maryse  Daviet, appealed for the continuation of the discussions with Serbia, and stressed that they are beneficial for the future of Kosovo. She once again stressed the support of France in Kosovo’s journey towards European integration. Daviet made these statements during a lecture held in front of the students of AAB College.

Court decides for Albin Kurti (

The house arrest for the former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement and Kosovo Assembly MP Albin Kurti, was extended today. According to his Court appointed lawyer, Hadije Ademi, Kurti will be in house arrest until 17 February of the next year. Kurti was arrested on 28 November in Pristina after participating and holding a speech at a gathering of the opposition parties.  He was indicted under suspicion of throwing teargas during the sessions at Assembly Hall.