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The families of the kidnapped and murdered Serbs from Orahovac: Injustice is killing us (Vecernje Novosti)

The arrest of former KLA member Albert Spahiu in Switzerland, accused for crimes committed in the municipality of Orahovac/ Rahovec, opened new wounds of the families of the kidnapped and murdered Serbs. No one was held responsible for the crimes committed in July 1998 in Orahovac/Rahovec and villages Opteruša, Retimlje, Zočište and Velika Hoca.

Government "to back Jeremic's bid for top UN job" (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

The government will on Tuesday discuss supporting the candidature of Vuk Jeremic for the post of the next UN secretary-general, B92 learned.

The daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting that it learned that the government will decide to back the candidature of Serbia's former foreign minister, who also in the past served as president of the UN General Assembly.

General Bojovic to be released by the end of the week? (Vecernje Novosti)

General Milovan Bojovic will remain in custody in Gnjilane/Gjilan until the final judgment of guilt.

General Milovan Bojovic, who was arrested by Kosovo police on Thursday afternoon in the area of the administrative crossing Merdare, who is charged with illegal crossing of the administrative line, will remain in custody in Gnjilane/Gjilan until final judgment of guilt.

30 Serbian families left Klokot-Vrbovac municipality (Vecernje Novosti)

In the last two years, 30 Serbian families left the Klokot-Vrbovac municipality. In numbers, that is 124 persons, while thirty Serbian houses have been sold. Former president of the Vitina / Viti municipality interim authority, Miloš Jovanović, told reporters that the number includes many children, which has affected the number of pupils in schools.

NATO, Kosovo recognition not a condition for joining the EU (Dailies)

German Ambassador Axel Dittmann says his country will support opening chapters 23 and 24, on judiciary and rule of law, in the first half of this year.

In an interview for Vecernje Novosti, Dittman said that NATO membership was not a prerequisite for joining the EU, and the same applies for recognition of Kosovo's independence.

Kouchner, a witness against Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

The first head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner could be a potential witness against Hashim Thaci, who is likely to be indicted by the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo - reported the Paris daily "Le Figaro" on Wednesday. Previously, the French agency AFP, had reported that Thaci could be among the accused before the special court for KLA crimes by the end of the year, citing an unnamed western diplomat.

These elections will be cheaper (Vecernje Novosti)

Dejan Djurdjevic, President of the Republic Election Committee (REC) said that his expectations are that these elections, organized for the 24 April, will be 100 million dinars cheaper than previous ones. When asked about the biggest expenses in the organization of voting he said that the biggest funds are allocated to the election boards. Regarding how voting will be organized in Kosovo and Metohija, Djurdjevic said: “We sent a note to the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija on Friday. We are waiting for their security assessment.

Cvetkovic: There is no information that terrorist attacks in Serbia are being prepared (Vecernje Novosti, Novi Magazin)

Director of the Military Security Agency (VBA) Petar Cvetkovic said that there is no information that terrorist attacks in Serbia are being prepared or organized, but that does not preclude the possibility of individual actions. The threat derives from returnees from the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, bearing in mind that the majority of them have participated in combat operations and went through a process of intense religious indoctrination.

President of the Serbian List: We're just protecting our people (Vecernje Novosti)

“The MPs of the Serbian List did not vote for the candidate for president of Kosovo, but only participated in the Parliament session during which the president was elected, because we want to behave responsibly and protect our people,” said Slavko Simic, the president of the Serbian List.