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US to send 130 more soldiers to Kosovo (B92, Blic)

Analysts say the US announcement of sending an additional 130 troops to Kosovo to support KFOR and NATO is a message to warmongering politicians in the region.

The troops in question are members of US special units of the Tupelo-based 1st Battalion, "highly trained for emergency response," the daily Blic is reporting.

Vucic: Don't worry, there'll be no Greater Albania (B92)

Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbian citizens should not be concerned about Ramush Haradinaj's statements.

According to Vucic, who is currently in Beijing, no such thing as a Greater Albania will exist.

In addition, he said that Haradinaj's statements - like the latest urging Washington to "solve things between Belgrade and Pristina if Brussels can't do it" - are all "part of a concerted policy whose protege is Haradinaj."

Region is "exposed to risks from escalating rhetoric" – EU (B92)

The EU has been repeatedly "called out" by Belgrade for failing to react to statements made by Ramush Haradinaj.

This topic has now been addressed by Federica Mogherini's spokeswoman.

Maja Kocijancic assessed that "statements that can be interpreted as political interference in neighboring countries are not helpful in building good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans."

"Albanians won't set foot on millimeter of central Serbia" (B92)

Albanians will not be able to set foot on a millimeter of central Seria - but constant threats against the Serb people in Kosovo are cause for concern.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic told this to the daily Blic, adding that threats coming from Ramush Haradinaj about taking Serbian territory do not represent the position of an individual - but of "all Albanians in Kosovo."

For that reason, "they should not be viewed as Haradinaj's words," said Stefanovic.

Vecernje Novosti: Vucic, Putin talk about threats coming from Albanians (B92)

Attempts to create a "Greater Albania" have been a topic of conversation as Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that they met in Beijing and spoke about the political situation in the region.

Germany "does not accept changing borders in Balkans" (B92/Tanjug)

German Ambassador to Serbia Axel Dittmann says that "all statements aimed at changing borders in the Balkans are dangerous."

Germany "does not accept that," he told the Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti in an interview.

"We say it publicly, and that is the position of the EU," the German diplomat said, adding that it was "important that all sides lower tensions and move forward."

Nikolic : Albanians can't avoid making concessions, and threaten (B92, Beta)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has told UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin that Serbia is committed to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Nikolic also said that the efforts of Serbia aimed at Kosovo not becoming a state are effective as long as the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, performs its role to the extent and in the manner as before, the president's cabinet announced, according to Beta.