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Pristina deciding on the budget for the North or new elections (Politika)

If the Kosovo institutions do not respect the Brussels Agreement, they will open a new crisis, said Ljubomir Maric.

If the Kosovo institutions in the course of the day do not adopt budgets of four municipalities in northern Kosovo for 2015, there are legal possibilities for Pristina to impose provisional measures.

A vehicle with Belgrade license plates burned in Mitrovica North (Kosova Press)

A Mercedes Benz vehicle with Belgrade license plates was burned on Monday at around 04:00 hours in Mitrovica North. Fortunately, except for entire burning of the vehicle, there are no other  material damages or casualties. It was learned that the owner of the vehicle is a Kosovo Serb, who used to work as customs officer. Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police for the north, Besim Hoti, confirmed the burning of the vehicle.

Witness does not hold Ivanovic responsible for 1999 crime (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - A Kosovo Albanian prosecution witness did not blame leader of the Citizens' Initiative 'Freedom, Democracy, Justice' (SDP) Oliver Ivanovic for a murder of four Albanians in April 1999 during a court hearing in a case against Ivanovic and four other Serbs on Monday.

During the hearing, the witness, Mentor Mehana, said nothing to point to Ivanovic as being responsible for the crime, Ljubomir Pantovic, one of the defense lawyers, told reporters.


Former MUP members to block police station and EULEX in the north (KosovaPress)

Former Serb members of Serbia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, (MUP,) in North Mitrovica, who stopped working after the Brussels agreement for police, have announced for today a protest. They plan to block Kosovo Police station and EULEX building in this part of the city.

Their request is integration in Kosovo Police, and for those who do not fulfill the required conditions, to continue to work for the Serbian MUP.

Vachter: Agreement on judiciary for a better life of citizens (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Deputy Head of the EULEX Joelle Vachter said that she believes that the implementation of the Brussels agreement on judiciary will contribute to improving the lives of citizens in the north. 

When will start implementation of the agreement and what kind of role in this process will have EULEX? 

We expect further steps regarding the implementation of this agreement. We are ready to implement the agreement at any time. 

Which obstacles do you expect in the implementation? 

Serbian illegal operator threatens population in the north (Koha online)

Illegal energy operator in northern Kosovo “Elektrokosmet” which supplies Serbs in this part with electricity, has started today to distribute notices that if they do not pay the energy bills, the will be disconnected from the network.
Sources of from the north informed that these warnings have been distributed to the population in Mitrovica, Zvecan/Zvecani, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. “"Pay electrical bills and show that you respect institutions of the Republic of Serbia,"” is written on these warnings.

Agreement on justice does not violate Kosovo laws (RTK)

RTK reports that the agreement on justice reached in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade, does not violate any of the current laws in the field of justice. RTK claims to possess a copy of this agreement, which shows that it is in full accordance with Kosovo’s justice system. “Kosovo laws will apply to judicial institutions in accordance with the First Agreement,” it is written in the document published by RTK.