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Jankovic met with Mitchell (BETA, B92)

Leader of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Sasa Jankovic told USA State Department official Wess Mitchell “it is an illusion that Kosovo issue can be solved in a dictatorship instead democracy,” Serbian media reported.

Jankovic also added “Mitchell leaves the Balkans obviously more concerned than when he arrived.”

Jankovic said that the Association of Serb Municipalities, the collective rights of Serbs and extraterritoriality of monasteries are achievable.

Jevtic: Peace and stability should be interest of all (Voice of America, KIM Radio, Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic told Voice of America, peace and stability must be interest of all and this year would be crucial to reach that goal.

Jevtic also spoke about the importance of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue continuation as well as to implement what has been agreed so far, in particular the Association of the Serb Municipalities.

He added, the Association of the Serb Municipalities targets no one, and it is well known, Serbian media reported.

Brussels without response when Pristina could establish Association of Serb Municipalities (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

The European Commission Spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic did not respond precisely to Tanjug news agency, when it can be expected from Pristina to implement the Brussels agreement and establish the Association of the Serb Municipalities, Serbian media reported.

Kocijancic earlier yesterday told Pristina based Koha that “both sides confirmed their strong commitment in implementing the Brussels agreement”.

Serbia completed its obligations deriving from this agreement, reached in 2013, Serbian media further reported.

“Issues to resolve with dialogue” (KIM Radio)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric and Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu agreed yesterday it is necessary to continue resolution of all open issues in Kosovo with dialogue, KIM Radio reported.

Referring to the Office for KiM press statement, KIM radio further said, Djuric and Braathu discussed the current security and political situation in Kosovo and touched upon recently held local elections.

Association of Serb Municipalities is life necessity (KIM Radio)

“Creation of the Association of Serb Municipalities is a life necessity that can resolve numerous issues in everyday life of citizens and functionality,” Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Dalibor Jevtic and President of the Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic said during the talks with the USA official Hoyt Yee, KIM Radio reported.

“We are concerned over fact that 1650 days since the agreement was signed in Brussels, no concrete steps were taken in that direction” their press statement reads.

Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, ZSO imagined as new RS (RTS, Tanjug)

Self-determination movement candidate for the Kosovo Prime Minsiter, Albin Kurti said he is not against the dialogue, but thinks this dialogue should be held with Serbs from Kosovo, while for the Association of the Serb Communities, he said it is imagined as a new Republic of Srpska, Serbian media reported.

Kurti said that during the last six-years of dialogue there was too much investment and too little benefits.

According to him, “the time has come to think why it went that way. We need to talk with the EU about negotiations with Belgrade.”

EU to Pristina: Draft ZSO statute "without further delay" (B92)

EU officials have called on representatives of the Kosovo government to abandon any further delays in establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

Tanjug is reporting this on Thursday, citing a statement issued by the EU office in Kosovo.

It was published after a meeting in Brussels of "the special group on normalization of relations with Serbia under the EU-Kosovo Stabilization and Association Agreement."

Lisovoj: Association/Community must be formed (Telegrafi)

Andrei Lisovoj, head of the Russian diplomatic office in Kosovo, said today that cooperation between the municipalities of Kosovo must not be politicised. Addressing a conference on cooperation between municipalities, which is being held in Mitrovica, Lisovoj said that the city of Mitrovica is the entry gate into Kosovo and that Mitrovica’s success is Kosovo’s success too. Lisovoj also said that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities must be formed as soon as possible and in full understanding between the parties involved.

Veseli: Kosovo Army will be formed very soon (media)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said today in Pristina that the Kosovo Army will be formed very soon. “The decision-making process in the Assembly for the transformation is not as important as it is to have a range of investments in the Armed Forces, to provide the necessary arms and this is possible only through cooperation with the international community. We will make every institutional action in partnership. I have discussed this in the Pentagon too, the Army of Kosovo is reality that will be realized very soon,” he said.