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A warning strike because of the re-election in Partes (RTS)

On the occasion of the decision of the Pristina institutions to repeat the local elections in the municipality of Partes, a one-hour strike of warning was held in local self-government bodies with a Serb majority.

"Attempt of Pristina to redraw citizens' will cannot pass. This protest is only a warning that we will not allow the redrawing of the citizens' election will," said leader of the Serbian List Goran Rakic in a statement for Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Ljajic: I believe more in the threat, than the CEFTA reaction (RTS)

Minister of Trade, Tourism and Communications Rasim Ljajic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that Serbia should be dissatisfied if next year it’s not among the top 30 countries on the Doing business list.

When it comes to taxes which the Kosovo authorities have imposed on the flour imports from Serbia, the Minister of Trade said that Belgrade had sent a letter to the European Commission.

Odalovic: Internal dialogue on Kosovo is not a farce (RTS)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic visiting the RTS News said that the internal dialogue on Kosovo should be opened as widely as possible and include as many of the most referent institutions and special organizations as possible - both civil society and the non-governmental sector.

Vucic for the preservation of the format of the meetings in the Security Council on Kosovo (RTS, Blic, Tanjug)

The international presence in Kosovo is important for the implementation of the agreements reached within the framework of the Brussels Dialogue, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at a meeting with UNMIK Head Zahir Tanin, reports RTS.

Pavlopoulos: Albania undermines its path to the EU over its relations with Pristina (Blic, ANA, RTS)

Daily Blic reports that Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos said that Albania undermines its own process of joining the European Union with "attitudes of international opportunism, as seen in relations between Tirana and Pristina," and said that Greece would not remain with "folded hands" before such actions.

Pavlopoulos sent a message to Albania from Corfu Island, where he attended a commemoration in honour of the first governor of modern Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias, ANA reports.

Milanka Terzić from Istok in home detention (Kontact plus radio, RTS, Vesti, KIM radio)

The Kosovo Prosecutor's Office ordered Milanka Terzić, a displaced person from Istok, a measure of compulsory reporting to the police, and it allowed her to be in the Pec Patriarchate after being arrested at the Jarinje checkpoint in northern Kosovo, reports Serbian media.

The indictment against Milanka Terzić was filed on February 21st by the Prosecution in Pec because of the suspicion of allegedly committing a war crime.

Molotov cocktails thrown at the billboard of the Serbian List (RTS, Kossev, TV Most)

Serbian media reports that last night unknown persons thrown Molotov cocktails at the billboard of the Serbian List in Leposavić.

The incident happened sometime after 9 pm. Perpetrators demolished the billboard, and then at the high speed left the scene, the media reports.

The KPS teams conducted the investigation. There are no injuries and material damage was caused, KoSSev reports.

"Serbian delegation disputed Jensen's candidacy" (RTS)

A new rapporteur for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a Catalan, a member of the Spanish delegation, Jordi Roca was elected as the new rapporteur for Kosovo, after the Serbian delegation managed to challenge the candidacy of Mogens Jensen (Denmark), says the head of the Serbian delegation, Marija Obradović.

"It's not an unexpected decision of the United States to leave UNESCO" (RTS)

The National Co-ordinator for Cooperation with the UNESCO for Cultural Heritage Vladimir Džamić told RTS that the US decision to withdraw from UNESCO was not too surprising and that he does not expect other countries to follow their move.

Vladimir Džamić says that the US had a turbulent relationship with the UNESCO since 1974 when they protested over UNESCO's relations towards Israel, and then in 1984, when they left UNESCO, which lasted until 2001.