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The opening of the exhibition "Kosovo and Metohija – 10 steps" in Paris (KoSSev)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić will open today at the Serbian Cultural Centre in Paris, a multimedia interactive exhibition "Kosovo and Metohija - 10 steps", in cooperation with the municipality Zvečan/Zveçan, said the statement of the this office.

Oliver Ivanović: Dangerous times again in Kosovo (Dnevnik)

Oliver Ivanović assesses that Kosovo will have early elections by the end of the year. Explaining this position, the most famous prisoner of Kosovo, whose Citizens' Initiative SDP is part of the Serbian List in the Kosovo parliament, says that the withdrawal of the proposal of ratification of the agreement on the demarcation with Montenegro from the agenda, for the current government of Isa Mustafa is "the last nail into their own coffin."

"Montenegro and Kosovo in dispute over Serbian territory" (B92, Sputnik)

Montenegro has unfortunately recognized Kosovo as independent, and now Podgorica and Pristina are in dispute over a piece of territory that belongs to neither.

This is what Milovan Drecun (SNS), chairman of the Serbian Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija, has told Sputnik.

Instead this territory - the subject of a contentious demarcation agreement - belongs to the Republic of Serbia, Drecun said.

Šarčević: Our education in Kosovo will survive and thrive (Blic)

Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mladen Šarčević in Gračanica wished the pupils, in the system of the Republic of Serbia, a happy beginning of the school year. On that occasion he said that the Serbian education would survive and thrive in the southern province.

The Minister stressed that he intends to often stay in Kosovo and announced that soon would be initiated the formation of the fund, which will aim to improve the working conditions of school children in Kosovo.

New Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative Nataliya Apostolova takes up posts (Koha Ditore)

The new Head of the EU Office in Kosovo and the EU Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova, has taken up her posts today, 1 September 2016.

Ms. Apostolova, a Bulgarian national, has served both in her national diplomatic administration and in the European External Action Service for over 25 years. Most recently, she was the Ambassador and the Head of the EU Delegation in Tripoli, Libya.

View from Čakor on greater Albania (Sputnik)

It is uncertain whether the Kosovo Assembly will ratify the agreement on demarcation singed by its government and Montenegro. Albanian extremists are threatening with the war, whereas Montenegro has sent special forces to the border line. Čakor is one of the rare crossings between Kosovo and Montenegro. Beside this one and route Peć-Kula-Rožaje there are no other crossings. Until 1999 this crossing was the shortest link between Serbia and Montenegrin coast.


Diković meets with Miglietta in Niš (Tanjug)

The Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković, met in Niš on Tuesday with the KFOR Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, who will soon leave the position.

Diković and Miglietta discussed the current security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and along the administrative line with Serbia's southern province, as well as the cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

Montenegro Mulls Sending More Police to Kosovo Border (Balkan Insight)

Montenegro does not expect clashes as Kosovo prepares to vote on a controversial border demarcation agreement between the two countries, but police are ready to tighten up security if needed.
Montenegrin police told BIRN that the security situation is stable and denied it is has sent additional forces to its border with Kosovo ahead of a ratification vote in Pristina on Thursday on the controversial border demarcation agreement.