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Zvečan: Trepča of strategic importance for survival of Serbs (KIM Radio)

Decisions with relation to the destiny of “Trepča” cannot be brought unilaterally without taking into account the fact that its most important capacities are located on the territories of Serb-majority municipalities, said representatives of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija and Serb-majority municipalities, which have initiated a meeting that took place in the seat of the “Trepča” Mining and Metallurgic Complex in Zvečan/Zveçan.


Russia reacts to decision to allow Kosovo to join PCA (B92, Blic, KIM radio, TV Most)

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague allowed Pristina to join by ignoring the arguments of those who do not recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said this on Tuesday in Moscow, replying to reporters' questions.

Double standards: For UEFA “Kosovo is Albania” is OK “Kosovo is Serbia” is not (Večernje Novosti, InSerbia)

Events at the European Football Championship in France have shown once again that UEFA has two faces, writes Serbian daily “Večernje Novosti”.

European house of football, from which no one in Serbia can expect a shred of justice, has turned a blind eye to both eyes at the stadium in Marseilles, where a transparent saying “Kosovo is Albania” was visibly placed among the fans of Albania.


No Association without removal of the barricade at  bridge (

 The government of Kosovo has conditioned establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities with removal of the barricade over the Mitrovica bridge and Serbia’s unblocking of international telephone code for Kosovo. Furthermore, Faton Abdullahu, adviser to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, said that with the current stance, Serbia is risking continuance of the dialogue. According to him, normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia strengthens Kosovo’s towards European integration.

Kosovo reports to Brussels: No Association without implementation of prior agreements (Koha)

The Office of Kosovo Prime Minister announced it has submitted to European Union the regular report on the dialogue with Serbia. In it, the government of Kosovo says that the dialogue contributes to peace and stability in the region, good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, as well as to the advancement Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo. With regards to implementation of Brussels agreements, the government of Kosovo claims the reporting period has not marked any substantial progress.

Serbia has the right to veto the admission of Kosovo to the UN! (Blic)

“Approval of Serbia for the admission of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in the UN is important, because Serbia is the country of origin, and as such has the right to veto any violent seizure and usurpation of part of its territory,” said a former Serbian diplomat Vladislav Jovanović. “Even if, hypothetically, Russia and China as permanent members of the UN Security Council agree that Kosovo become a member of the UN, the Council will have to propose it to the General Assembly.

Djuric: Serbia can join EU only as integral country (Tanjug)

Serbia's position on Kosovo-Metohija's membership in international organisations is unchanged, the head of the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric said Tuesday, reiterating that only an integral Serbia can be an EU member state.

Commenting on reports by some Serbian media that Germany will not ratify the agreement on Serbia's EU accession until Kosovo becomes a full UN member, Djuric said: