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The last chance (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper, writes that Kosovo is in danger of becoming a dysfunctional and corrupted Republic, lacking rule of law, economic development and being led by an incriminated oligarchy which leads the state and businesses. “In order to prevent this national tragedy, the current governing should end as soon as possible,” notes the paper. “In democracy, this happens through elections, which in Kosovo’s case are also corrupted by major parties that have caught the state and ballot boxes.

Kosovo with reciprocity measures on fuel transportation towards Serbia (Koha)

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Hikmete Bajrami, has signed the decision for reciprocity measures towards Serbia, in the field of transportation of oil and gas. The decision comes after Serbia’s refusal to recognize certificates of drivers of Kosovo vehicles carrying hazardous materials.

“From today, Kosovo will not recognize the same documents issued by Serbia,” said Kosovo’s Minister for Finance, Avdullah Hoti. He stressed that Kosovo Customs started to implement the decision last night, at 24:00 hours.

Charles and Camilla show tender side as they hug and embrace victims of Kosovo War (

The Duchess of Cornwall wept with the rape victims of the Kosovo war today as they shared deeply harrowing stories of the brutal attacks they suffered at the hands of Serbian police officers during the 1998 to 1999 conflict.

The heartrending meeting was hosted by President Atifete Jahjaga at her office in the capital Pristina, where a group of survivors of sexual violence bravely shared their stories.

Prince Charles pays respects to Kosovo's missing on final day of Balkan tour (The Telegraph)

Prince Charles on Saturday paid tribute to those missing since the 1998-1999 Kosovo war and to NATO-led peacekeepers killed there, on the last leg of a week-long Balkans tour.

Accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwall, Charles laid a wreath at the monument to missing persons and joined a memorial ceremony also attended by Kosovo's outgoing president Atifete Jahjaga.

Kosovo villagers welcome border deal review (Balkaninsight)

Kosovo villagers close to the border with Montenegro hope the commission formed by the President to reassess the controversial deal will address their concerns.

Villagers from the Rugova community on the border with Montenegro have said they welcome plans for a presidential commission to reassess the controversial demarcation deal between Kosovo and Montenegro.

Rrustem Selimaj, who lives in Haxhaj village, told BIRN that his community is one of the most affected by the agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro on border demarcation.

Limaj: Early elections very soon (RTKlive)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, is certain that Kosovo will proceed to early elections. He is even ready to sit and discuss as part of the opposition with the governing parties in order to set the election agenda. “The only way is to sit and set the election date and we are ready for this at any time,” Limaj Said.

Political background of the March pogrom is still unknown (Blic)

Minister of Returns in the Kosovo government, Dalibor Jevtic says that even 12 years after the March pogrom the political background is unknown and that they demand from the international community and the Kosovo institutions to sanction those responsible.

He recalled that, in addition to attacks on Serb property and the SPC, over 4,000 people left their homes in a single day, and that he hopes that the violence, which took place 12 years ago, will never happen again.

Chambers of Commerce to EU: Prevent overturning of trucks (KoSSev)

Chairpersons of the Chambers of Commerce of Serbia and Kosovo, Marko Cadez and Safet Gerxhaliu, respectively, have sent a joint letter to the EU high officials and ambassadors of the Quint states in Serbia and Kosovo, in which they condemn recent incidents of Serbian trucks, transporting Serbian commodities to Kosovo, that were overturned by activists of the ‘Self-Determination’ movement.
