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Kosovo does not remove reciprocity measure against Serbia (Koha)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Trade and Industry through a press release today announced that the decision of the government for reciprocal measure on recognition of the ADR certificates will remain in force until reaching of an agreement on mutual recognition of such certificates. The statement notes that the government is willing to resolve bilateral problems through dialogue.

Pristina "to lift blockade of Serbian trucks on Friday" (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo told Tanjug on Thursday that an agreement had been reached with Pristina to stop its unilateral blockade of trucks.

This included the blockade of trucks carrying hazardous substances such as oil and gas from central Serbia to Serbia's southern province, the Office said. It added that the agreement was reached with EU mediation and would mean an end to "Pristina's violation of the CEFTA agreement."


Report on demarcation to be announced today ( Kosova/Gazeta Express)

The three international experts,  Fletcher Burton, Herbert Wilmes and Fred Newton will make public today their report on the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro. The Office of the President of Kosovo, informed that the findings of the three-member team will be made public today at 17:30 hours at a press conference. The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, will also participate at the press conference.

PM Vucic to visit Kosovo on April 3 (B92, Politika, Tanjug, Blic)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will visit Kosovo on Sunday, April 3.

Head of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric made the announcement on Wednesday.

"This is big and important news for all citizens, particularly for those in Kosovo and Metohija. The prime minister will visit Kosovo and Metohija on Sunday, April 3, to meet with Trepca miners and visit Zubin Potok and Kosovska Mitrovica," Djuric told state broadcaster RTS.

Kosovo among priorities during election campaign? (KIM Radio)

Following a request sent by the authorized body of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE to facilitate Serbian parliamentary elections in Kosovo, there are ongoing consultation in the OSCE about ways of facilitation of elections, whereas some Serbian political parties have already started election campaigns claiming that Kosovo is their priority.

Interior Ministry: No one from Kosovo has gone to Syria in last eight months (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa and Interior Minister Skender Hyseni said in a meeting today that the security situation in Kosovo is satisfactory. Mustafa said that thanks to coordinated efforts by security institutions in Kosovo, the number of the Kosovo citizens that decide to join terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq has significantly dropped, with no such case being reported in the last eight months.  Hyseni said Kosovo is proud of its commitment to the fight against terrorism.

Opposition cannot find unity on the next protest (

The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Muharrem Nitaj, told the portal the date for the next protest will be decided during this week, and the possibility for the protest to take place this week or very soon after, is not excluded. “So far, there is no decision on the precise date of the protest,” Nitaj said.