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US Deputy Assistant Secretary Hoyt: We are here to show support for Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

In an interview for Klan Kosova, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Yee said he was in Kosovo to show support for the new president Hashim Thaci and Kosovo. He said the inauguration ceremony for President Hashim Thaci is a good opportunity to meet Kosovo leadership. Speaking about normalization of Pristina-Belgrade relations, Hoyt said dialogue is one of the most important developments in the region and that it is the only way forward for both Kosovo and Serbia.

The constitutional court contradicts itself, but not enough (Koha Ditore)

The paper runs an opinion piece by Andrea Lorenzo Capussela:

The constitutional court of 2016 has said that the constitutional court of 2011 was wrong. These are not the words one can read in the judgement that yesterday upheld Thaci’s election, but this is what they mean. For the court rejected the challenge against his election because it judged that the arguments of the opposition were plainly wrong, ‘manifestly unfounded’. But these were exactly the same arguments upon which in 2011 the court annulled Pacolli’s election.

Tahiri: We will not discuss Kosovo assets with Serbia (

Kosovo’s dialogue minister Edita Tahiri said the statement of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic that Trepca mine belongs to Serbia is part of his election campaign. “The media know that in time of campaigns, there are illusionary statements made for political marketing aims,” Tahiri said in an interview.  Tahiri dismissed possibility of the Trepca mine ownership issue being discussed in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade saying that this is one of Pristina’s red lines. “Our position on Trepca and other Kosovo state assets has been made clear in Brussels.

Joksimovic: Vucic maps the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels (N1)

The President of the Centre for Foreign Policy, Aleksandra Joksimovic says that it is important, for both Belgrade and Pristina, to find responsible for the bomb attack on a facility in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the SNS rally and the speech of PM Aleksandra Vucic.  Resolving the attack, according to her, is in the interest of all - in Kosovo and in Belgrade.

Serbia and Russia "cooperating successfully in all areas" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia-Russia relations are developing successfully in all areas, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov and his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic agreed on Friday.

Russia is "one of Serbia's most important strategic partners and Belgrade is thankful to Moscow for its support in international organisations on the issue of Kosovo," TASS quoted Dacic as saying before his meeting with Lavrov in Moscow.

Kosovo issue invisible in the election campaign (Danas)

Although the government and the largest part of the opposition continue to emphasize that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo independence, and PM Aleksandar Vučić is preparing to visit the southern province on Sunday, the Kosovo issue doesn’t have such importance in this election campaign. As estimated by the experts on politics, Kosovo issue was overshadowed by the other topics, primarily the position towards the European integration of Serbia and the promise for a "better life" of citizens.