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Opposition to object demarcation “by force” (RFE)

Representatives of the opposition political parties have threatened that they would use “all means” to prevent ratification of the agreement for the border demarcation with Montenegro. These statements came after the meeting between the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa with the European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, who appealed to Kosovo government and political parties to proceed with voting at the Assembly as soon as possible.

Court issues arrest warrant for Vetevendosje’s Albin Kurti (Koha)

Basic Court in Pristina has issued an arrest warrant for former Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti for failing to show up at the hearing in connection to use of teargas in Kosovo Assembly. A judge said that Kurti will be issued a detention measure. At the same time, Koha also reports that two Vetevendosje activists have been arrested this morning by the police.

Tanin: Only UN Security Council can shut down UNMIK (various media)

The Committee for Foreign Affairs, met today with Zahir Tanin, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General. After the meeting which lasted more than two hours, Tanin said to the media that UNMIK is a decision of the Security Council and that this is the reason why they are here. He also said that they will be in Kosovo as long as the Security Council wants them to be.

Demarcation and Association will not pass, be it with Serbian or Russian List (Gazeta Metro)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said that demarcation of the border with Montenegro and Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities would not pass at the Assembly despite the return of the Serbian List at the Assembly. “The government by all means needs return of the Serbian List at the Assembly in order to fight Vetevendosje’s and opposition’s cause,” Selimi said. However, he added, “we are determined to stop the Association and demarcation even if they invite a Russian list.”

Vetevendosje condemns assault on activist as “cowardly act” (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje has condemned last night’s attack on one of its activists, Agron Kabashi, as “a cowardly act by the criminal regime”. In a press conference today, Vetevendosje’s Dardan Molliqaj said Kabashi was beaten with metal bars by unknown persons and sustained injuries to his head, face and rest of the body. Molliqaj said the attack on Kabashi was premeditated and occurred shortly after the publication of a poll results which showed Vetevendosje being the most supported party in Kosovo.

Ymeri: Law is not transforming KSF into army (

The leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, said today at the roundtable organized by this party that the law on KSF is not transforming it into an army as expected, instead it is only expanding its competencies.

Ymeri said that creation of the army has been promised ever since the liberation of Kosovo. According to him, constitutional amendments that would allow creation of Armed Forces were made before the 2014 elections.

Assembly endorses resolution which suspends dialogue until Haradinaj's release (

Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Pal Lekaj, proposed today again during the Assembly session a resolution related to Ramush Haradinaj’s case. He said that discussions with Serbia should suspend until Haradinaj’s release.

The coalition government parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) were pro resolution for Haradinaj, however they said that the text of the resolution should be harmonized.

Vetevendosje against Thaci’s idea for changing KSF law (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje has come out against President Hashim Thaci’s idea to create an armed force by changing the current law on the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). Vetevendosje deputy leader, Driton Caushi, said Thaci has failed to deliver on all his promises, and the latest one will be no different. “We have continuously supported the formation of the Kosovo Armed Forces by changing the Constitution,” Caushi said.