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Veseli: Some people are intentionally presenting Kosovo as a place of extremism (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said today that extremists want to create hostilities between countries and to destroy world cultures. “They want a world in hostility and animosities between cultures and countries; a world of chaos where human rights lose their meaning and value. Now is the time to unite around our liberal and democratic values. Religion is too important to be left in the hands of extremists. Now is the time for the victory of liberal humanism,” Veseli said at the Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference in Pristina.

Veseli: Kosovo determined to further peace in the region (RTK)

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, met today in Pristina with a delegation of the Swedish Parliament, members of the NATO Assembly, led by Bjorn von Sydow. The meeting focused on the priorities of the Kosovo Assembly with special emphasis on security issues. Veseli said: “Kosovo is determined to further peace in the region; to contribute to mutual understanding and trust and to become part of security mechanisms such as NATO”.

Vetevendosje MP warns with uncompromising resistance against two agreements (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, said in an interview for TV Dukagjini that, the Kosovo government is “trying to smuggle in the Assembly two anti-constitutional agreements that it signed in Brussels”. Kadaj-Bujupi said her party would engage in a powerful and uncompromising resistance in the Assembly in order to prevent the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “Our opposition will be even stronger than in the last eight months.

Kosovo legislators pass draft law against funding of terrorism (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly members approved today, for the second time, the draft law against money laundering and funding of terrorism. The law was passed with 58 votes in favour, none against and seven abstentions. Chairman of the Kosovo Assembly's budget and finances commission, Naser Osmani, said that the draft law needs to be supplemented again following concerns by the EU and EULEX that it is not in full accordance to the EU directives. Osmani said the government and EU experts should work together and propose necessary amendments by October.



Meha: I am ready to speak about demarcation findings (

 Xhavit Haliti, MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), proposed for the next meeting of the Commission for European Integrations to invite the Government Commission for the border demarcation with Montenegro in order to be informed on the manner that this commission functioned.

Veseli: Border demarcation will not threaten visa liberalization (media)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said today that the border demarcation with Montenegro will not be part of the two upcoming plenary sessions of the Assembly. Veseli said that the developments with the border demarcation will not threaten Kosovo's visa liberalization process and that decisions on the matter will be made in line with Kosovo's interests. "This issue is not on our agenda yet. By the moment it is part of our agenda, we will discuss with our colleagues from the opposition, so that we can move forward together in the Assembly.

Veseli: Kosovo has never been closer to the European Union (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, posted on Facebook today on the occasion of Europe Day saying that Kosovo has never been closer to the European Union. Veseli wrote: “Today is Europe Day which marks the historic declaration by Robert Schuman 66 years ago when he presented the visionary idea of creating inter-state institutions between countries that just years earlier had waged the worst war against one another.

EU proposes easy visas for Kosovo citizens (Reuters)

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday that EU governments lift visa requirements for travellers from Kosovo, allowing those with biometric passports to spend 90 days in the Schengen area without a visa.

"Kosovo has made great progress," Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos told reporters, adding that he hoped governments and the European Parliament would approve the proposal quickly.

Cultural heritage destroyed in 2004 can never be recovered (KIM Radio)

The project ‘Building the trust through protection of cultural monuments in Kosovo’ was presented today in Pristina. The goal of the project is reconstruction, promotion and protection of cultural heritage in Kosovo, along with promoting tolerance among communities. Cultural objects that will be promoted through the project are located in Gnjilane/Gilan, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Uroševac/Ferizaj, Lipljan/Lipjan and Kamenica/Kamenicë municipalites.

Thaci and Veseli for coordination of actions on EU integration (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, has received today the chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, as part of the meetings with the representatives of various Kosovo institutions.

They discussed the intensification of cooperation between the Presidency and the Assembly in all areas, especially in the areas of rule of law and European integration.

“The Presidency and the Assembly will continue to coordinate their work to ensure the efficient functioning of our institutions. We need to accelerate our path into NATO and the EU”, President Thaçi said.