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Italy: A criminal group arrested, had contacts with “New KLA”(Kossev)

Carabinieri in Palermo arrested 17 people suspected of the transnational criminal smuggling of migrants and arms trafficking. The criminal organization had contacts with Cosa Nostra, to who it sold arms, but also with the „Albanian paramilitary group, the New KLA“ linked with jihadist circles,“ the Italian media reported. The criminal group had activities in Switzerland, Germany, Macedonia and Kosovo, too.

Serbian officials in North Mitrovica for Vidovdan (Kossev)

Not being in Gracanica at the liturgy, nor present at the traditional Memorial Service in Gazimestan, instead paying a visit to North Mitrovica – The head of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric, and the Serbian Minister of Education, Mladen Sarcevic, attended a ceremony for Mitrovica University Day, celebrated on Vidovdan. The two high Serbian officials gifted over 40 computers. The University welcomed student leaders and rectors from central Serbia and the Srpska Lista leadership.

Haradinaj: Report on the Statute of ZSO returned to the ministry, written in Cyrillic, must be in three languages (Kossev, RTK2, RTS)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj confirmed that the transcript of the meeting of Kosovo Minister Ivan Todosijevic with the representatives of the Working Group for the drafting of the Statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) was returned to the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of Kosovo because the document sent to the government was written in Cyrillic.

Marko Djuric on the Vice-President of Serbian List, Milan Radoicic: I support all those supported by our people in KiM (Kossev, KIM radio, Insajder)

I can only tell you that I support all those that enjoy the support of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, the Director of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric, said to Insider journalist Jelena Jankovic, when asked about the newly-appointed Vice-President of Srpska Lista, Milan Radoicic.

Journalists of Serbian and Albanian media editions: Language barrier, lack of information exchange, cooperation is necessary (Kossev)

To what extent is there currently cooperation between journalists in Kosovo, primarily those from Serbian and Albanian newsrooms; what are the biggest obstacles to cooperation; how it can be improved – those were the topics for the Serbian and Albanian journalists to discuss in North Mitrovica during a recent open working meeting. The discussion was conducted at the premises of the EU Info Centre, with the support of BIRN and the European Union.

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Kosovo Police: The situation "calm and stable"; "incidents of a different nature" did not affect general safety (Kossev)

The Kosovo Police states that security situation in Kosovo is "calm and stable", reports portal Kossev.  "Occasional incidents of a different nature" did not affect the overall security situation - the Kosovo Police said in a statement.

Chepurin on “Russian support for partition of Kosovo“ - Media speculation and typical fishing in muddy water (Sputnik, KoSSev)

“Following certain media speculations, it remains that one should only advise them to carefully read our statements, and not to deal with empty fabrications with a single desire: to deprive Serbia of Russia’s support. It’s typical fishing in muddy water.”

This is how Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin commented on last week’s media reports on the alleged Russian support for the partition of Kosovo, KoSSev portal reported referring to statements Ambassador Chepurin made to Sputnik.