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Serbian gov’t annuls all legal consequences of Pristina’s acts (media)

The Serbian government on Tuesday decided to annul all the legal consequences of acts and actions by the interim self-government institutions in Pristina regarding the factual and legal position of the Trepca mining complex, PM Aleksandar Vucic said.

“We were compelled to make such a decision as we want Trepca to continue to operate,” he told a press conference.

Trepca is vital for the survival of nothern Kosovo-Metohija, Vucic noted.

Belgrade warns Brussels of Trepca issue (Tanjug, Politika)

The Serbian government has sent a letter to Brussels explaining all the harmful consequences of the Kosovo Assembly decision on the Trepca mining complex, Politika reports.

It was the first step relying on legal and political instruments and democratic, parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods aimed at protecting Serbia's property in Kosovo, the daily reported.

Antić expects Vučić to propose a solution on Trepča (N1, RTS)

Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antić says that he expects from Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić to announce proposal for a solution to the problem of Trepča at today's session of the Government of Serbia.

Antić says that Vučić will try to find solutions that will the best protect the interests of Serbia in this very sensitive moment.

Drecun: Government informed the EU that does not accept the decision on the Trepca (N1)

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun says that Brussels will sooner or later have to respond to the decision of the Kosovo Assembly to appropriate the Mining and Metallurgy Plant Trepca, because the Serbian government has sent an official letter to the European Community about it.

Government "to back Jeremic's bid for top UN job" (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

The government will on Tuesday discuss supporting the candidature of Vuk Jeremic for the post of the next UN secretary-general, B92 learned.

The daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting that it learned that the government will decide to back the candidature of Serbia's former foreign minister, who also in the past served as president of the UN General Assembly.

Djuric: Oliver is innocent (Blic)

Verdict to Oliver Ivanovic is deeply unfair. Because of it the fact  is even more apparent that even today no one has been held responsible for thousands of deaths and displaced Serbs from Kosovo.

Thus, in an interview for Blic, Marko Djuric, Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, answers the question of where is the justice when Hashim Thaci is walking free, while Ivanovic gets nine years in prison for war crimes.

Licence for Telekom in exchange for area code (Politika)

Politika writes in today's edition that Pristina little has implemented from the Brussels Agreement. One of the unfulfilled promises is a licence for Telekom for fixed and mobile telephony on the territory of Kosovo.

This is the reason why Belgrade has not given permission to Austria to apply in the name of Kosovo, for the area code (303), which was part of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

In Gracanica consultation, the decision in Brussels (Danas)

Although the Government of Serbia has announced the last week's joint emergency meeting of all 10 Serbian municipalities in Kosovo's local government system as ''the start of the creation of political unity and institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, whose formalization will be considered later", the Serbian mayors now are announcing that "the initiative for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) is raised to a higher political level."

Jahjaga to sign decrees on the appointment of Serbian judges (Danas)

The Government of Serbia adopted yesterday report on the agreement on the judiciary, which Belgrade and Pristina initialled in Brussels earlier this week. The Government of Serbia unofficially announces that the Serbian officials would talk with employees in the Serbian judiciary in northern Kosovo on the implementation of the agreement, which provides their integration into Kosovo's judicial and legal system.