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Stojanović: Jablanović does not have the support of the Serbian List (Serbian media)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from the Serbian List Branimir Stojanović says that Aleksandar Jablanović does not present the unity of all the Serb representatives and that he does not have the support of the Serbian List.

Stojanović said this to Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), and added that nobody can be president of the Serbian List without the support of the Serbs, and announced an extraordinary meeting of the representatives of the list.


Uproar among Serbs in Kosovo; Jablanović usurped Serbian List (Blic)

Today's edition of the daily newspaper Blic writes that the return of Aleksandar Jablanović at the head of the Serbian List has shocked and surprised most people in this political organization of Serbs in Kosovo.

- It is completely a unilateral decision of Jablanović, and we have learned about it, what is worse, from the media - said to Blic a source from the Serbian list. The article states that members of the Serbian List fear that Jablanović has performed the unexpected move in concert with the Pristina authorities.

Serbian list: Jablanovic has no support; Jablanovic: I am the President (Kossev, BETA, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian List states that Aleksandar Jablanović arbitrarily and without the support of Serbian MPs appointed himself as President of the Serbian list. He deceived and manipulated the Office for the registration of political parties - said the Serbian List.

The Central Election Commission will declare soon on everything. The CEC is considering the documentation that was received without a stamp by the Office for the registration of political parties, indicated the Serbian List.

Gecaj: The Government of Kosovo ready for drafting of the Statute of the ZSO, but after a full return of the Serb List (N1, Kossev)

Advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosovo Bajram Gecaj says that the Kosovo Government is ready to start with drafting the Statute of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) as soon as the Serbian List "fully returns to the Kosovo institutions".

Thaci: No one can use veto on establishment of Kosovo’s army (Koha)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that establishment of Kosovo’s army is already a necessity. “I have undertaken the legal initiative for KSF being convinced that all the possibilities to create it through the Constitution were exhausted. This also came as a need being that Kosovo cannot be part of NATO without an army. The common denominator is that Kosovo institutions, parliamentary parties as well as the civil society and the citizens are for the army,” Thaci said at a debate organized by FOL Movement.

Simić: We want Serbia to manage education in Serbian language in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Serbian deputies do not agree that Kosovo regulates the work of the Serbian education system in Kosovo, said Slavko Simić to RTV KiM.

Simić says that recent allegations of the Serbian National Forum (SNF) are not true. The SNF accused the President of the Serbian List of trying to merge University of Pristina (relocated in North Mitrovica) with the future Community/Association of Serb municipalities, and then to change its name.

Rasic: Kosovo Serbs are victims in the dialogue (Klan Kosova)

Nenad Rasic, Kosovo Assembly MP from the Serbian List, said today that the dialogue with Serbia should not be interrupted, because this would block things even more. “I feel your pain but it is not being done enough by both sides to understand each other. The dialogue process is something that will continue. “ Rasic made these comments during a round-table organized by Kosovo’s Democratic Institute entitled “Suspension of Dialogue: Impact on Kosovo’s integration in the European Union.”

Serbian List: The opposition will experience an electoral debacle (KIM radio)

Serbian List says that some presidential candidates are trying to ensure the votes of Serbs in Kosovo and create the impression of prepared electoral fraud.

"Of course behind these attempts is the desire to challenge the entire election process in Serbia, if these candidates do not like the results.  Fortunately, in a democratic system such as ours, the president enters into the function by the votes of the citizens, not by self-proclamation or by the appointment of some foreign embassy. "

Haliti: Serbian List should cooperate with us about army (Klan Kosova)

Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Xhavit Haliti, said that ‘we as MPs called on the Serbian List to return.”

“This is the Parliament of Kosovo and they are its members, they should be defending the rights of the citizens who voted them,” Haliti said after the meeting of the Assembly presidency, where the leader of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic, was also present.

Demarcation and Association will not pass, be it with Serbian or Russian List (Gazeta Metro)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said that demarcation of the border with Montenegro and Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities would not pass at the Assembly despite the return of the Serbian List at the Assembly. “The government by all means needs return of the Serbian List at the Assembly in order to fight Vetevendosje’s and opposition’s cause,” Selimi said. However, he added, “we are determined to stop the Association and demarcation even if they invite a Russian list.”