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USA admonishes Pristina (Novosti)

The confusing political situation in Kosovo should be finally clarified this week, Novosti daily reported today.

According to the daily, it would be clear whether Pristina will get a new government or new elections are underway. It all depends upon the meeting of the leading political parties, scheduled for the coming Wednesday, following the two failed constitutive attempts, more respectively election of the Assembly Speaker, vice presidents and working bodies.

Krasniqi: Government of Kosovo will not be voted on Thursday (RTK)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, said today that the PAN coalition has sufficient votes to constitute the new Assembly and the government but added that the second will not be formed this Thursday, 3 August. “I don’t believe the government will be voted on Thursday”, Krasniqi said.


Osmani: We do not vote Veseli and Haradinaj (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani expressed her conviction that MPs from the LAA coalition will not vote Kadri Veseli for Assembly Presidemt or Ramush Haradinaj for Prime Minister of Kosovo.

She also added that statements from the PAN coalition that they have the sufficient votes to create the government, are not true.

Hoxhaj: I hope Serbian List will join PAN in forming new government (Zeri)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) deputy leader, Enver Hoxhaj, said PAN coalition will have enough votes to form the new government and that he hoped the Serbian List would join it.  “We will have sufficient number to elect Assembly Speaker and our preferred choice is Kadri Veseli”, Hoxhaj said. “We are the parliamentary majority and we have the right to propose the speaker of the Assembly and the nominee to form the government”, he added.

Hoxhaj: PAN has numbers to form new government (Indeksonline)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, said at the meeting called by President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci with representatives of political parties that PAN coalition has sufficient votes to form the new government of Kosovo. He also said PDK is ready for the Assembly’s constitutive session whenever it is announced.

Hoti: LAA coalition considering Thaci’s meeting invitation (RTK)

Candidate for prime minister from the LDK-AKR-Alternativa coalition (LAA), Avdullah Hoti, said the coalition representatives agreed on future actions.  “Citizens of Kosovo had their saying and I don’t believe there is a need to lose any more time for creating leading institutions and calling [Assembly’s] constitutive session as soon as possible”, Hoti said after the meeting of coalition partners. Asked by the media on whether they would attend the meeting called by President Hashim Thaci, Hoti said: “We are considering whether to go or not.

LAA coalition meets (RTK)

Leaders and majority of elected MPs from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the New Kosovo (AKR) and Alternativa, gathered today, a day after the meeting of PDK, AAK and NISMA coalition known as PAN.

The leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo, Behxhet Pacolli, said after the meeting that his party will respect the agreement reached with LAA coalition and they will stick to it.

Haliti: PAN has votes to form government (Indeksonline)

Senior official from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Xhavit Haliti, said PAN coalition has the 61 votes necessary for forming the new government. “To form a government is not a big problem. There are some other issues regarding the functioning of the government after its formation”, Haliti is quoted. He said that the initiative of President Hashim Thaci to meet political leaders before setting the date for Assembly’s constitutive session is part of his constitutional duties.

Kosovo in crisis if PAN fails, LDK-Vetevendosje coalition, difficult (

Kosovo could enter crisis with regards to creation of the institutions, if the winning coalition, PAN, does not manage to gather required votes, being that coalition between Vetevendosje movement and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is assessed as very difficult to be reached.

LDK officials including the candidate of this party for Prime Minister, Avdulah Hoti, continuously claim that they would not join a coalition with PAN or Vetevendosje.