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Dacic for RTS: Important to hear from many countries condemnation of the Pristina's move (RTS)

Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at the session of the UNSC, presented the genesis of the problems that Serbia faces, readiness for dialogue and a constructive approach, and on the other hand a clear opposition to the unilateral moves of Pristina to which they were used to in the past 20 years.

Vucic and Thaci from New York straight to Brussels (B92, Tanjug)

Vucic and Thaci from New York, where they spoke at a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo, will departure to Brussels, reports portal B92 this morning.

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb expects the dialogue to get a new impetus.

"Both of them (on Tuesday) are going to Brussels, I hope that the process will get some kind of incentive again," Schieb told said at a meeting of the Association of Corporate Directors of Serbia.

Dacic: Important that Serbia's position at the UNSC session is heard; Pristina to withdraw tariffs then the continuation of dialogue (RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told reporters ahead of the session of the Belgrade committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) that it would be difficult to change the attitude of the great powers on the formation of Kosovo Army, but considers that it is important that at the session of the United Nations Security Council is heard that it is a violation of Resolution 1244, the only valid document regarding Kosovo, reported Radio Television of Serbia on Sunday evening (RTS).

Vucic ahead of UNSC session; I will fight with all my heart (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic says he would "fight for Serbia with all his heart" during the UN Security Council session on Kosovo, to be held on Monday.

During an unscheduled press conference in Belgrade on Sunday, Vucic announced he would travel to New York on an Air Serbia plane, and "hopes it won't be late" - and noted that he would present "what Serbia thinks" after UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) chief Zahir Tanin addresses the Council.

Vucic to visit Ground Safety Zone (B92, Beta, RTS)

President of Serbia and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vucic will visit Serbian Army units in the Ground Safety Zone and elsewhere in southern Serbia, reports Serbian media.

The visit will happen "in the next 72 hours," reports said late on Thursday.

The Ground Safety Zone was established after the 1999 war and runs along the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Vucic on KFOR exercise this morning: Demonstration of force without any sense (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says, in Trstenik after opening the factory, he hopes that the international community understands that Serbia is in a difficult situation on the occasion of the announced formation of the Kosovo Army, adding it is the duty of the authorities (of Serbia) to protect "their face and national pride" without entering into conflicts, reports the regional broadcaster N1.

Blic: "Vucic is close to the decision on the elections"

Belgrade based daily Blic reports today that Serbia could have an early parliamentary election in the spring. Blic learns that the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, has talked with his associates and is getting closer to making such a decision.

Daily contacts agreed between the Army of Serbia and KFOR (RTS)

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg agreed in today's telephone conversation that the preservation of peace and stability is of the utmost interest to Serbia and the entire region, says the Serbian Presidency, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Serbian List: Ghosts of political past are undermining Serbian unity (TV Most, N1)

At a time when the Serbian people face the biggest crisis ever, and when the Pristina’s decision to block the distribution of Serbian medicines, food, press and other necessities are ghettoizing the Serbian people; when the survival of Serbs is most directly threatened by forming of some kind of Kosovo army, the ghosts of the political past are trying to undermine the unity of Serbian people in Kosovo, the Serbian List announced today, reports TV Most based in Zvecan.

Trajkovic: Vucic and Thaci – one team on same assignment (N1)

The President of the European Movement Rada Trajkovic told N1 on Wednesday that Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic "uses Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to solve important state issues or abuses them to hide weakness and the loss of his authority in the international community."