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Dacic for RTS: Important to hear from many countries condemnation of the Pristina's move (RTS)

Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at the session of the UNSC, presented the genesis of the problems that Serbia faces, readiness for dialogue and a constructive approach, and on the other hand a clear opposition to the unilateral moves of Pristina to which they were used to in the past 20 years.

Vucic and Thaci from New York straight to Brussels (B92, Tanjug)

Vucic and Thaci from New York, where they spoke at a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo, will departure to Brussels, reports portal B92 this morning.

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb expects the dialogue to get a new impetus.

"Both of them (on Tuesday) are going to Brussels, I hope that the process will get some kind of incentive again," Schieb told said at a meeting of the Association of Corporate Directors of Serbia.

Vucic ahead of UNSC session; I will fight with all my heart (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic says he would "fight for Serbia with all his heart" during the UN Security Council session on Kosovo, to be held on Monday.

During an unscheduled press conference in Belgrade on Sunday, Vucic announced he would travel to New York on an Air Serbia plane, and "hopes it won't be late" - and noted that he would present "what Serbia thinks" after UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) chief Zahir Tanin addresses the Council.

Mogherini critical about tariffs and transformation of KSF (RTS, Tanjug)

During the meeting of EU leaders in Brussels, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and EU High Representative Federica Mogherini talked about problems in the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue, tariffs on Serbian goods posed by Pristina's authorities and the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) and of which they said were not welcomed, learns Belgrade based news agency Tanjug in the Council.

Trajkovic: Vucic and Thaci – one team on same assignment (N1)

The President of the European Movement Rada Trajkovic told N1 on Wednesday that Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic "uses Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to solve important state issues or abuses them to hide weakness and the loss of his authority in the international community."

Germany and US are inquiring about ‘’a secret deal between Putin and Thaci’’ (Blic)

The Belgrade daily Blic claims that the US and the most influential European countries are concerned already about the co-operation and contacts held by top officials of Moscow and representatives of Pristina authorities.

Blic says that more diplomatic sources confirmed that all presidents of influential Western countries ask about this newly built relationship within the EU institutions.

Jeremic: Flag of Kosovo in Notre-Dame do not affect them; diplomatic and media 'blitzkrieg' in 2019 (Danas)

National People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic said that Kosovo flag in Notre-Dame do not 'affect too much' the state top of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

He also said that representative of Kosovo would not have been invited to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, if the "performance" of Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci was not foreseen for this occasion.

EU: Belgrade and Pristina should both refrain (B92)

Federica Mogherini on Thursday in Brussels hosted a meeting of the High Level Dialogue with the President Thaci of Kosovo and President Vucic of Serbia. This has been announced in a press release posed on the EEAS wesbite.

It added that "the European Union expects Serbia and Kosovo to swiftly deliver on their commitment to the dialogue given the direct link between comprehensive normalization of relations between them and the concrete prospects for their EU aspirations."