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Thaci’s adviser: No big Belgrade-Pristina talks in Paris (N1)

In an interview with N1 television, Azem Vlasi, Kosovo President’s adviser has said on Wednesday that an expected meeting between Hashim Thaci and Aleksandar Vucic in Paris would not produce any big news since it will be a protocol encounter.

“That is a ceremony marking the Reemergence day, and no serious bilateral talks are expected,” Vlasi, a former Yugoslav high-ranking official said.

Capussela’s 4 points on Thaci and Mogherini: Why didn’t the Special Court issue an indictment? (Kossev)

“1) The EU set up a special war-crimes court; 2) Thaci is an obvious suspect; 3) Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn want the land swap that Thaci advocated; 4) Federica Mogherini chose the court’s judges and prosecutors. Can 1-4 contribute to explaining why the court hasn’t yet indicted anyone?” – the former head of the economics unit in the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, posted on his Facebook page last night.

Sheholli: The idea on borders' correction still actual; 95 percent would sell property in Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The Director of the Institute for the promotion of inter-ethnic relations Fatmir Sheholli says that the initiative of correcting the borders as a solution to the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina and the normalization of relations is still ongoing, despite the opposition of some Kosovo parties and politicians.

Vucic: Thaci's statement on the "dream of all Albanians" - continuous policy (RTK2)

President Aleksandar Vucic says that the statement by Hashim Thaci that the dream of all Albanians is "a national unity with Albania" is an expression of a continuing policy. He points out that he is more interested in what and will anyone in the international community react to such statements.

"Serbia has become accustomed to the policy of the Albanians, and the world is silent about it," Vucic said in response to journalists' questions at the opening of the conference "Towards Safe Serbia".

Apology of the Serbian List MP on the statement on arrival of Thaci to Gazivode (Serbian media)

Zoran Mojsilovic, the Serbian List MP, apologized to his Serb constituency today for his “imprudent” statements regarding the unannounced visit of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to Zubin Potok last weekend. Speaking at the meeting of the parliamentary Committee on internal affairs, security and oversight of the Kosovo Security Force, Mojsilovic said that Thaci’s visit was “seen as a part of political process and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina” and that „nothing happened “.

No special units with Thaci at Gazivode, KFOR say (Demostat, N1, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

KFOR spokesman Vincenzo Grasso said on Wednesday that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was not accompanied by any paramilitary or special forces units when he went to the Gazivode lake and did not need permission from the NATO-led forces for the visit.

Kovacevic: For Kosovo needed more wisdom (RTS)

People's Party Vice President Sinisa Kovacevic signed a petition "One signature changes everything" and pointed out that the solution to the issue of Kosovo should be sought in an agreement of some future, wiser and more responsible Serbian and Albanian politicians, without international interference, reported Serbian national broadcaster RTS.

Brnabic instead of Vucic in New York (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is not going to the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly next week, instead Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will go to New York, finds out Belgrade-based daily Danas from the circles close to the top state authorities.