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RTS: ROSU intrusion in north of Kosovo, two persons arrested (Serbian media)

Serbian national broadcaster RTS reported today that more than 25 armored vehicles and SUVs of Kosovo special police unit ROSU and around 100 police members entered the north of Kosovo and arrested two persons.

According to the Kosovo police two persons were arrested in Mitrovica North, one police officer in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic and another person who was found in possession of weapon.

KFOR denies knowledge of Pristina's plans (Tanjug, B92)

KFOR is not aware of Pristina's alleged intention to raid northern Kosovo and takes over the Trepca (mining complex), claims KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso.

Commenting on media reports that KFOR knows about Pristina's plan, the spokesperson of this military mission calls on everyone to refrain from provoking unnecessary tensions by placing unverified information that causes unwarranted concern among the population.

Dacic: Serbia warned NATO, we will react if Serbs are attacked (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92)

There is no unified appeal by the international community to Pristina to revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, and that is why they remain in force, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told TV Pink.

He added the US has been interested in the tariffs to be revoked and the dialogue to continue, because they want to score political points.

Blic: Albanians preparing to invade Trepca, KFOR knows it? (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo authorities plan to have special police units storm in and take over the Trepca (mining complex) plant in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. That is according to a report in Belgrade-based daily Blic, carried by Tanjug on Wednesday.

The daily said Kosovo Albanians would in that way infiltrate into the majority Serb part (of Kosovo).

A source from diplomatic circles in Pristina told Blic that KFOR has knowledge of these preparations and does not rule out the possibility of Kosovo institutions embarking on such an action.

Kosovo police reacts on “Steel Ring” exercise reports, Simic comments too (Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo police has reacted to the information that Pristina authorities launched “Steel Ring” action, Tanjug news agency reported. The action implies blockades on the roads and checks of people and vehicles.

Asked by Tanjug news agency if it is true that Pristina has activated police units in order to block the alternative roads from central Serbia and what is the reason for it,  the police spokesperson Baki Kelani responded “that there is nothing concrete” and the police works to prevent organized crime and smuggling, undertaking actions based on legal authorization.

Marko Djuric to visit Zvecan today, meet with Serb representatives (B92, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric would visit the north of Kosovo today and meet with Serb political representatives, Radio kontakt plus reports.

According to Radio kontakt plus, the meeting with Serb political representatives would take place in Zvecan, at 17:00 hrs.

Simic: Decision to keep EMS in Kosovo a great relief for Serbs (RTS)

The decision of the European Energy Agency on the Elektromreza Srbije (Electric network of Serbia) to remain a part of the energy system in Kosovo has brought great relief to the Serbs in Kosovo, says Deputy of the Serbian List Igor Simic.

Simic told in the RTS News that energy independence and security of citizens and economy in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo is of huge importance.

NGO Aktiv: Project “New Mitrovica” is unacceptable (Radio kontakt plus)

The project “New Mitrovica,” designed by the Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, has caused a lot of reactions in northern Kosovo these days, Radio kontkat plus reported. NGO Aktiv Programme Director Miodrag Marinkovic opined that the plan looks like a very aggressive political marketing.

Vecernje Novosti: Serbian Army has response to Pristina’s plan

Possible intrusion of the Kosovo Security Forces to crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak would not go without reaction from Belgrade, Vecernje Novosti wrote yesterday.

As daily earlier reported, Pristina’s plan to take over control of the administrative crossing points in the north of Kosovo, supported by NATO allies, could “inflame” entire region and Belgrade through unofficial channels has warned important European stakeholders of danger and domino effects of such scenario.