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Mustafa: EP supports Kosovo’s integration processes (RTKlive)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met the European Parliament Member, and Rapporteur for Kosovo, Urlike Lunacek, during his visit to Brussels.

Mustafa together with Kosovo’s Minister for Integration, Bekim Collaku, have begun official meetings with the EU officials. A few moments ago, PM Mustafa ended his meeting with the European Parliament MP, Urlike Lunacek. They discussed EU integration of Kosovo and the process of visa liberalization.

Delawie: Fighting corruption should be a priority (RTKlive)

The Ambassador of the United States of America to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said that fighting corruption should be a priority for all actors in Kosovo. Delawie made these comments during the round table organized by the Institute for Justice, supported by the U.S. and United Kingdom Embassies in Kosovo. They discussed performance and results of the justice institutions with a focus on fighting corruption.

Thaci promises establishment of Reqan and Vitomirice municipalities (RTKlive)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, waited today for a meeting of representatives of Bosniak community, MPs of the Vakat coalition. After the meeting, Minister without portfolio, Rasim Demiri, said that they congratulated the President on his new duty. He added that they were promised by President Thaci the establishment of new Bosniak community municipalities, in Reqan and Vitomirice.

Serwer: Serbia will not join EU without recognising Kosovo (RTK)

The US Balkans expert Daniel Serwer said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that Serbia will not be able to gain European Union membership without resolving all major issues, including recognition of Kosovo and exchange of ambassadors. “If it doesn’t do this, I don’t see how Serbia could become an EU member,” he said. Speaking about recent Serbian elections, Serwer said the current Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic won major support because of his pro-European politics.

Collaku: We expect positive assessment on visa liberalization soon (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, said today that he is confident that the European Commission will very soon announce a positive assessment on visa liberalization for Kosovo. Collaku made these remarks during a press conference with the French Minister for European Affairs, Harlem Desir, and German Minister of State for Europe, Michael Roth. Desir said France would continue to support Kosovo. “France and Germany support Kosovo and I can say that Kosovo has achieved a lot of progress but more remains to be done.

EU’s Mogherini and Hahn to visit Kosovo in May (RTK)

The EU High Representative of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn are expected to visit Kosovo in May to discuss implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Kosovo MPs. Following the Agreements’ entry into force, Kosovo Assembly has set up a parliamentary commission on Stabilisation and Association which discussed today in its first meeting the draft agenda for 2016 and the upcoming visit of EU officials.

Vetevendosje activists release teargas during Thaci’s inauguration ceremony (Koha/RTK)

Despite the security measures taken by the police during the inauguration ceremony of President Hashim Thaci, unknown individuals released several canisters of teargas near Skenderbeu square where the ceremony took place. Kosovo Police arrested five individuals connected to the incident. In a press release, the Vetevendosje movement claimed responsibility for the incident. “Hashim Thaci is not and never will be President of the Republic of Kosovo. He was elected as a result of blackmail and compromises.

Hasani: Coalition achieved its goal, now we can talk about elections (Koha)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP, Nait Hasani, said yesterday that the ruling-coalition achieved its goal by electing Hashim Thaci as Kosovo President, and that now they can discuss early elections. He also said the opposition must discuss this issue with President Thaci now. “Thaci can declare early elections and all political parties should meet and discuss this matter,” Hasani said.

AAK rejects reports it is readying to join government coalition (RTK)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) issued a statement regarding the recent media reports that it is ready to join the government coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). “The AAK has no plans on entering this government,” said the party adding that none of its officials, including the leader Ramush Haradinaj, had talks with the ruling parties on becoming part of the government.
