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Kosovo in crisis if PAN fails, LDK-Vetevendosje coalition, difficult (

Kosovo could enter crisis with regards to creation of the institutions, if the winning coalition, PAN, does not manage to gather required votes, being that coalition between Vetevendosje movement and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is assessed as very difficult to be reached.

LDK officials including the candidate of this party for Prime Minister, Avdulah Hoti, continuously claim that they would not join a coalition with PAN or Vetevendosje.

LDK rejects Haradinaj’s invitation to meeting (Kosovapress)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said he does not plan to attend a meeting with the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj. Mustafa said the LDK would not enter any type of coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Instead, Mustafa said they will wait for PAN coalition and its candidate for prime minister Haradinaj to try to form the new government.

Ymeri and Mustafa start discussions without meeting (RTK)

Vetvendosje movement expressed once again that it is open to cooperate with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK)  in order to create a parliamentary majority in case PAN coalition fails to form the government.

Vetevendosje representatives said that leaders of the two parties, Visar Ymeri and Isa Mustafa, have already talked on the phone but that their meetings have not started yet.

Vetevendosje invites LDK to dialogue prior to certification of election results (Koha)

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, has invited the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to join talks for forming the new government of Kosovo. In a Facebook post, Ymeri wrote that 11 June elections marked a turning point in Kosovo’s political landscape and that no one has the right to disregard the will of the people. “Let us meet up and talk. Judging from statements from LDK officials led by Mr. Mustafa it is obvious we have a lot to talk about”, Ymeri said adding that they should not wait for certification of final election results to meet.

LDK's Stock Grows in Kosovo's Post-Election Muddle (Balkan Insight)

As it remains unclear who will form the government in Kosovo, the LDK appears to hold the key to any future coalition, now that the second-placed party, Vetevendosje, has invited it to join a post-election partnership.

Who will form the new government in Kosovo remains unclear, after the results of the 11 June elections failed to grant immediate power to any one political entity or coalition.

Mustafa: LDK will analyse results in the coming days

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, wrote on his Facebook page that his party would analyse and reflect on the election results in the coming days but that it will take no decision before the results are certified by the Central Election Commission (CEC). “I thank all those who gave their trust to our coalition and our candidate for prime minister, prof. Avdullah Hoti, who led a dignified campaign”, Mustafa wrote.


LDK has no major complaints regarding election process

Representatives of the LDK told a press conference today that the voter turnout so far is the biggest argument that Kosovo is heading towards democracy. According to them, there are no major irregularities with the election process. Florian Dushi told media that they received some reports on technical irregularities, but nothing major to hinder the election process.


LDK: PDK-AAK-NISMA coalition was foreseeable (media)

Officials from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) reacted to the news that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) signed a pre-election coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) by saying the move was foreseeable. LDK spokesperson Arban Abrashi said to Klan Kosova that PDK signed the coalition as a reaction to the “fear” from the LDK earlier reaching an agreement with the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and Alternative.