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Foreign Affairs Minister to represent Serbia at UN Security Council session (Beta, N1)

Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at the UN Security Council session on Monday, when the report of the General Secretary on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) from January 16 to May 15 will be discussed, the Ministry said on Sunday.

Ahead UN Security Council session, Dacic and Lavrov about Kosovo in St Petersburg (Tanjug, Beta)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in St Petersburg about the situation in Kosovo, prior to the June 10 session of the UN Security Council.

Dacic told reporters in St. Petersburg, where he is taking part in the International Economic Forum, that he introduced in detail the plan of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo to Lavrov, and that the head of Russian diplomacy told him that Moscow absolutely supported Serbia and that the support would be clearly expressed and at a session of the UN Security Council on Monday.

Vucic to Tanin: Pristina provokes and disables dialogue with Belgrade (Beta, N1, RTS, Blic)

In the meeting with Zahir Tanin, the UN Mission in Kosovo chief, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President, accused Pristina of making irrational and unilateral moves and of constantly provoking, showing that its leaders were making the dialogue with Belgrade impossible, the Beta news agency carried a statement from President's office on Tuesday.

The statement said Vucic also condemned the Kosovo police special unit attack on UN personnel, describing it as “an attempt to compromise the UN Mission in Kosovo.”

Djukanovic: It is very important to hear the objective situation in the UN (RTS)

President of the Centre for Foreign Policy Dragan Djukanovic told Serbian state television (RTS) that the most important thing is to create the conditions for continuation of the dialogue that should result in final signing of an agreement on full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djukanovic said in the RTS morning news that the UNMIK announcement came with a delay, and it indicated that UNMIK did not have the same kind of data as the Kosovo police.

Sputnik: Lavrov on the idea of double sovereignty in Kosovo

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Sputnik portal (Serbian language) that the problem of Kosovo, instead of imposing an ultimatum, can be solved only by bringing positions closer and by consensus.

On Sputnik's question about the idea of dual sovereignty in Kosovo, reported by some media in Pristina, Lavrov replied that the West, when it recognized the illegally declared independence of Kosovo, did not mention dual sovereignty.

Vejvoda: Both sides stand in place because of the unresolved situation (RTK2, Tanjug, Blic)

Ivan Vejvoda, associate of the Institute of Social Sciences in Vienna, told RTK2 that frequent visits by international officials to Belgrade and Pristina are aimed at encouraging the continuation of a dialogue that will lead to finding a mutually acceptable solution that must be verified by the UN Security Council.

Dacic to Politika daily: They never asked us what we want with Kosovo

There was never a talk with representatives of the international community about what Serbia would like as an outcome in the negotiations with Pristina, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in an interview for Sunday's edition of the Belgrade based daily Politika, answering the question of whether in the past the issue of the Serbian position has been raised in discussions with influential Western officials.

Serbian FM receives message from Russia's Lavrov (B92, Tanjug,

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has sent holiday greetings to First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic.

In his message dated December 21, Lavrov said that Moscow is ready for further close cooperation "on the Kosovo issue."
The Foreign Ministry announced in a press release late on Tuesday that Dacic was presented with Lavrov's New Year and Christmas (to be celebrated in Serbia and Russia on January 7) message during a meeting in Belgrade with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin.

Foreign Minister Dacic: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina remains unchanged (RTS, Beta, N1)

There are no signs that the format of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina could change any time soon, said Serbia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic on Sunday, adding that Serbia is ready to continue the talks but only after Pristina abolishes its 100 per cent tariffs on Serbian products.

“There are no talks from new starting positions,” Dacic told RTS, the public broadcaster.