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The failure of judiciary and EULEX (Kosova Sot)

Hundreds of millions of euros of European taxpayers will be spent again to keep EULEX in Kosovo, the paper notes in its front-page editorial. Eight years after Kosovo declaring independence, according to the paper, EULEX still remains irreplaceable, although criticized for unsatisfactory performance, corruption scandals and partnership with corrupt politicians. “The EU’s largest civilian mission was supported by the government and opposition, who together have not been able for all these years to guarantee the functioning of an independent judiciary.

Haradinaj supports government’s decision on EULEX (Indeksonline/Botapress)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said on Friday he supports the decision of the Kosovo government to extend EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo for another two years.  According to him, EULEX is still necessary in Kosovo because Kosovo is failing in the justice area. “Kosovo is failing in the rule of law and therefore EULEX’s presence is still necessary in Kosovo.  However, EULEX should be active throughout Kosovo, even in the north,” Haradinaj said.

Vetëvendosje: Extension of EULEX mandate, renouncement of justice (Klan Kosova)

Vetëvendosje Movement issued a press release following the decision of the government of Kosovo to extend the mandate of the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) until 2018 saying that the move renounces justice. “EULEX’s lifespan cannot be extended as its presence serves no gain”, said Vetëvendosje. It added that EULEX was installed in Kosovo under the promise that it would fight crime and corruption and strengthen the local rule of law system. “None of these two promises came true because the real goal of EULEX was never justice in Kosovo.

Žbogar calls on Ramadan Muja to leave politics (Insajderi/Klan Kosova)

The European Union Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Žbogar, told Klan Kosova that the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) has succeeded in combating crime and corruption, while referring to cases of former PDK MP Azem Syla and Prizren Mayor Ramadan Muja.  While Syla was arrested last month and is currently in detention for organized crime accusations, Ramadan Muja continues to be the Mayor of Prizren.  Žbogar said that politicians who have problems with the law should leave politics.

Oliver Ivanović: EULEX wants to break me (Večernje Novosti)

All my life I've spent doing the opposite of what I'm charged. Therefore, I hope the Court of Appeal will, when considering my case, come to that conclusion. I believe that the verdict will be overturned into acquittal, because that will be the only just solution.

These are the words of the leader of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović, from the interview for "Novosti", who after nearly two years of litigation, was sentenced to nine years in prison. Practically without proof.

Concert at the end of mandate (Koha Ditore)

Enver Robelli writes in his regular column for the paper that as talks are underway between Kosovo and EU authorities on the extension of EULEX mandate, there is general consent that Kosovo still needs a presence of some type of EU instrument with important competencies, especially in the fight against corruption. It is important to openly discuss what kind of EULEX Kosovo actually needs, says Robelli, and it is just as important to have competent judges and prosecutors genuinely keen to help Kosovo.

Find responsible for the demolition of the plaque dedicated to the missing journalists (Večernje Novosti)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) condemned the demolition of the memorial plaque dedicated to the missing journalists of Radio Pristina, Ɖuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić, who disappeared in 1998.