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Kosovo leaders react to Brussels terror attacks (media)

Kosovo’s leaders have reacted after a series of explosions struck the Brussels airport and the metro system this morning. Kosovo President-elect Hashim Thaci took to Twitter writing “shocking news coming in from Brussels today. My sincere condolences to the families of all the victims”. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa sent a telegram note condemning the terrorist acts and expressing the readiness of the Kosovo government to continue the fight against terror.

Reporter denounces PM Mustafa to the police (Koha)

Reporter Vehbi Kajtazi confirmed in a Facebook post today that he has denounced Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to the police. Kajtazi said on Sunday that he received a threatening call from Mustafa after reporting that Mustafa’s brother had sought asylum in Germany and France to get medical treatment for his serious illness. “I denounced Kosovo's Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, to the police after he threatened me. The case is being handled by the investigators of the serious crimes department of the Kosovo Police.

PDK MP calls on PM Mustafa to dismiss Minister of Health (media)

Several media report that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Bekim Haxhiu has called on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa today to dismiss the Minister of Health, Imet Rrahmani, citing the grave situation of the healthcare system. Haxhiu wrote on Facebook: “Prime Minister you should dismiss Imet Rrahmani. Kosovo has the necessary potential and there are people both within and outside the coalition partners that can improve the situation in the healthcare system.

Mustafa: My brother sought asylum due to health matters, I didn’t threaten anyone (RFE)

Most of the media is running an interview that Kosovo Prime Minister did with Radio Free Europe. Mustafa told the news agency today that his brother used illegal channels to find shelter outside Kosovo and find medical treatment for his serious illness. Mustafa also denied calling a reporter of a Pristina-based news site that first reported on the issue.

Mr. Prime Minister, what is your explanation about your brother seeking asylum? Media have reported that he used illegal channels to leave Kosovo?

Veseli’s offer: Kosovo might go for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, who is also acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, will meet this week with the Prime Minister of Kosovo to discuss a new platform for overcoming the crisis. This platform could include an agreement on early elections, reports Top Channel.

According to sources of this media, within the cabinet of the Assembly President, the offer could result with a comprehensive agreement for early elections, but not in a short period of time.

Mustafa: Changes in government depending on performance of the ministers (Gazeta Express)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said at a press conference after his visit to a factory in Suhareke/Suvareka, that the performance of his ministers will be evaluated, and that changes in the government will commence based on the evaluation. “The other issues of reformatting remain ongoing, because will continuously assess the performance of the government and based on that, we will make changes,” Mustafa said. During the press conference, Mustafa also spoke about success of local companies in export.

“Non-election of PRB members doesn’t threaten visa liberalization” (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today that the failure of the Kosovo Assembly to elect the members of the Procurement Review Body will not impact the visa liberalization process for Kosovo. “I think there is no reason why this should threaten the visa liberalization process. We have met all the criteria.

Mustafa: Trepca will not go to Brussels (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said at the press conference after today’s meeting of the government, that the government has approved the decision for establishment of the commission for Trepca draft law.

He said that the commission for Trepca will continuously report to the government about its work and according to him this is the first step towards the fulfillment of promises for the long term solution to Trepca’s statute.