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US to send 130 more soldiers to Kosovo (B92, Blic)

Analysts say the US announcement of sending an additional 130 troops to Kosovo to support KFOR and NATO is a message to warmongering politicians in the region.

The troops in question are members of US special units of the Tupelo-based 1st Battalion, "highly trained for emergency response," the daily Blic is reporting.

"Albanians won't set foot on millimeter of central Serbia" (B92)

Albanians will not be able to set foot on a millimeter of central Seria - but constant threats against the Serb people in Kosovo are cause for concern.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic told this to the daily Blic, adding that threats coming from Ramush Haradinaj about taking Serbian territory do not represent the position of an individual - but of "all Albanians in Kosovo."

For that reason, "they should not be viewed as Haradinaj's words," said Stefanovic.

Blic: Weapons transported to Macedonia seized in Serbia (B92)

Serbia's Military-Security Agency (VBA) has seized a large quantity of weapons in the southern parts of the country.

According to the daily Blic, the weapons were being transported illegally to Macedonia.

It is assumed that the weapons were intended for "the party infrastructure of the biggest Albanian parties" whose officials took part in armed conflicts in Macedonia, and in Kosovo and Metohija, the newspaper is reporting, citing "VBA sources."

Daily Blic reports on a series of alleged criminal activities led by Thaci

On Monday, Daily newspaper Blic reported in an exclusive front-page story, as part of a larger series, details of secret documents of the Albanian mafia in Kosovo under the headline ''Thaci the lord of drugs, smuggling of weapons and fuel''. Almost all Serbian language media covered the Blic article.

Details of statement by one of Haradinaj witnesses who died (B92)

After Daut Haradinaj threatened Serbs with ethnic cleansing if his brother Ramush was extradited to Serbia, Blic published the testimony of Kujtim Berisha.

Berisha, who was a refugee from Kosovo and a witness in the Hague Tribunal's war crimes case against Ramush Haradinaj, made his statement to investigators in Podgorica, Montenegro, on May 11, 2004.

Stojanović: Jablanović does not have the support of the Serbian List (Serbian media)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from the Serbian List Branimir Stojanović says that Aleksandar Jablanović does not present the unity of all the Serb representatives and that he does not have the support of the Serbian List.

Stojanović said this to Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), and added that nobody can be president of the Serbian List without the support of the Serbs, and announced an extraordinary meeting of the representatives of the list.


Uproar among Serbs in Kosovo; Jablanović usurped Serbian List (Blic)

Today's edition of the daily newspaper Blic writes that the return of Aleksandar Jablanović at the head of the Serbian List has shocked and surprised most people in this political organization of Serbs in Kosovo.

- It is completely a unilateral decision of Jablanović, and we have learned about it, what is worse, from the media - said to Blic a source from the Serbian list. The article states that members of the Serbian List fear that Jablanović has performed the unexpected move in concert with the Pristina authorities.

Busses with supporters of SNS stoned and blocked (RTK2, Srna, Blic)

More than 60 buses carrying Serbs that were going for the SNS rally (organized for the the party's candidate Aleksandar Vučić in the Serbian presidental elections) were stopped this morning in several places south of the Ibar.

As daily Blic reports, the provincial committee of the Serbian Progressive Party reported that about 3 000 people have been prevented to go to the rally in Leposavić/Leposaviq.

Will Serbs in Kosovo vote in presidential elections? (B92, Tanjug, Blic, KIM radio)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says that Pristina has not yet reached a decision with regard to the elections for the president of Serbia.

And although the Kosovo institutions have not yet taken a position on the holding of the Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, the OSCE have confirmed their readiness to provide technical help to implement them.