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It wasn't like this in Europe even before WW1, says Vucic (B92, Tanjug)

The climate has changed in Europe, the situation in the world has never been this complicated, not even before the First World War, says Aleksandar Vucic.

The Serbian president in this way commented on rigid Dutch and French stance regarding EU candidate countries opening new accession negotiation chapters in June, and Serbia's position and chances in that context.

UNSC meets on Kosovo: Pristina will not like Guterres report (B92, Tanjug, RTS)

A regular UN Security Council session on Kosovo will be held on Monday in New York. Serbia is represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic.

The session will discuss the UN secretary-general's report on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, covering the period from January 17 to April 15.

West preparing agreement: UN to Kosovo, EU to Serbia? (B92, Tanjug)

According to the media reports, referring to unnamed sources, political directors for the Western Balkans of five Western countries, met on consultations on the final phase of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, scheduled to take place in the coming months and be crowned by a final agreement between the parties, expected to result in a normalization of relations.

Dacic: Countries can't be Serbia's partners and work against us (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia sticks to its policy, and everyone thinking to the contrary must decide whether they're our friends and partners, or will work against Serbia.

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said this on Thursday, on the occasion of media reports that reported on France planning to send protest notes to countries that withdrew their recognition of Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence.

Dacic: East Kosovo - goals from the time of the Prizren League (Kontakt plus radio, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic emphasizes today that it is not the first time that some Kosovo officials called Presevo and Bujanovac, eastern Kosovo, reminding that these are the goals since the Prizren League to the present day, report Serbian media.

Dacic was asked to comment Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj's statement on eastern Kosovo, and said that he does not know exactly what he said in Albanian but that he has no dilemma about it.

Stefanovic: Security situation in Kosovo is very serious (Serbian media)

The overall security situation in Kosovo is very serious - Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said in Belgrade on Friday.

Stefanovic told this to Assistant UN Secretary-General Alexander Zuev, and reiterated Serbia's position on the need for UNMIK's continued presence on the ground.

Merkel ahead of meeting with Vucic: We are here to help (Tanjug, B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday addressed reporters before their meeting in Berlin.

Merkel, who spoke first, stressed the importance of the talks conducted in Brussels between Serbia and Kosovo, adding that close cooperation and discussion was important in the process of EU integration.

According to her, Serbia has undertaken encouraging reforms. Merkel commended the Serbian prime minister for this.

Rakic: No preconditions for opening the bridge (RTS, Tanjug)

The insistence of Maja Kocijancic on the opening of the bridge in Mitrovica  "without delay", as she said, was not based either on what was agreed in Brussels nor on the valid assessment of the situation on the ground, assessed the president of the Serb List Goran Rakic, reports Serbian national broadcaster RTS.

French FM: We intervened because of Djuric's arrest (B29)

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrived in Belgrade on Thursday afternoon, where he later met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

After the meeting, Vucic and Le Drian addressed the media.

They said they agreed that a "frozen conflict" was not a good solution for Kosovo, and that the issue should be solved.

"Arrest warrants for Thaci, others back in Interpol system" (B92, Tanjug)

Arrest warrants (notices) for about 20 Kosovo Albanians issued by Serbian courts have been returned to the Interpol system.

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic announced this on Thursday, replying to reporters' questions about the visit of Serbian Police Director Vladimir Rebic to the Interpol HQ in Lyon, France.

Stefanovic said the Serbian delegation had "serious discussions" there on Wednesday, and insisted on the warrants in question to be reinstated.