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Media: Hot autumn awaits Balkan region; Foreign embassies in fear of Kosovo scenario (B92,

Croatian ‘Jutarnji list’ portal analyses political scene of both Belgrade and Pristina, announcing possible "boiling political fall", quotes Serbian media.

This paper reminds that Kosovo will face general election in a month, in the same time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced government reconstruction, while media speculate on a possible new election.

Dacic to RTS: One more country withdraws recognition of Kosovo (B92, RTS, Politika)

The Head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, told Serbian public broadcaster RTS on Friday that this week he will say the name of the 15th country that withdrew the recognition of Kosovo.

Dacic said for RTS that in this moment less than 100 countries acknowledge ''the independence of so-called Kosovo''.

Former KFOR Officer: I will see to it that Norway withdraws the recognition of Kosovo (B92, Tanjug)

I will fight for Norway to annul the recognition of so-called Kosovo, a Norwegian Christian Cash, former KFOR Officer claims

"My aim is to try to persuade Norway to withdraw the recognition of so-called Kosovo. I talked to many about that, and as a member of the Democracy party, I tried to enter the Parliament two years ago. Had I succeeded, I would have suggested to the Government to annul the recognition”, Cash says for Belgrade based daily Politika.

Gouillon: Complaints rejected, while lawsuit lies forgotten at the bottom of a drawer (TV Prva, B92)

"There is no progress related to the imposed ban on my entering Kosovo and Metohija, while the appeals were dismissed without any justification"

Humanitarian Arnaud Gouillon, who has been sending aid to the Serbs on Kosovo and Metohija for years and was imposed a ban from entering Kosovo and Metohija on September 10, 2018, told this to Prva TV.

"I find it hard that I cannot visit Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija, I am not in a position to see my friends", he said.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia "rebuked" his US counterpart: Those are fabrications (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

Statements by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey "on the malign influence of Moscow in Europe" is Washington's fabrication, striving for global domination.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that Washington "makes great efforts in waging its awkward ideological battle, putting to use its overt propagandistic machinery, no longer worrying about any arguments in support of its fabrications".

Defense Ministry: Serbian military got most donations from Russia (N1, B92)

Regional broadcaster N1 reports that the Defense Ministry said that the Serbian military gets its biggest donations from Russia and added the Ministry Informer did not publish the correct figures because it did not include donations which are underway. Thus, the Ministry denied Serbian media reporting that US was the biggest donator to the Serbian Army.

PM Brnabic: Continuation of the dialogue depends on the tax, not the election (TV Prva, B92, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

The continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has nothing to do with the possible elections in Kosovo, but solely with taxes, said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic this morning in morning TV Prva Show.

Brnabic called the current political developments in Kosovo a farce, thus answering the question how the possible elections and political turmoil in Kosovo will reflect on further dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and when its continuation can be expected at all.

''Russian weapons for Serbia a threat to region'', Kosovo official says (N1, FoNet, B92, Blic)

Kosovo’s deputy Defense Minister Burim Ramadani said on Tuesday that the arming of Serbia with Russian weapons is a threat to the Balkan region, Pristina press reported. Belgrade based daily Blic reports that US is the biggest donator for the Serbian Army.

Ramadani is quoted as saying that this is Serbia’s and Russia’s revenge against NATO member states. Serbia has turned into a mini-Russia and this causes concern across the region, reports regional broadcaster N1.