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Bjelić: Trepca is privately owned company (RTK2)

Former Director of Trepca Complex Novak Bjelic said that Belgrade must not accept talks about Trepca with Pristina authorities, because, as he said, “it is a done deal”. "Trepca is a stock company, not a property of the state," said Bjelić adding that if the UNSC Resolution 1244 continues to be respected, Trepca cannot belong to Kosovo. 

Ban Ki-moon: To establish a court for war crimes (RTK2)

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a report on Kosovo that after the constitution of the government and Parliament should be established a special court for war crimes in Kosovo. "I call on political leaders from Kosovo to double the efforts and strengthen the broad public understanding and consensus on this issue, considering its importance for the future of Kosovo," reads the report. 

Trajkovic and Spahiu: Jablanović politically immature; to avoid repetition of 17 March 2004 (RTK2)

Serbian politician from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic and political analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu agree that Minister Jablanović with his statement showed political immaturity. They believe that it would be much better if he would resign, because the ministry will not be functional. 

UNMIK: Violence has nothing to do with the exercise of the democratic right (RTK2, Politika, Vecernje Novosti, Blic, B92, TV Most, Tanjug, Kontakt Plus Radio, IRS)

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Kosovo, Farid Zarif, commended proportionate response of the police during yesterday unrest in Pristina, and said that democratic rights are not exercised through violence.

UNMIK expressed concern by the recent events in Pristina city centre. Such acts have nothing to do with the exercise of the democratic right to express legitimate grievances, stated UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).

Mustafa: Decision up to Jablanovic, his resignation maybe desirable (RTK2)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, stated yesterday that demonstrations in Pristina went out of the opposition’s original demands for resignation of the Minister for Communities and Return, Aleksandar Jablanovic, and transformation of Trepca into u public company, and assessed that it was about a political protest with the request for resignation of the government and an effort to topple the authorities with the use of force.


UNS and DNKiM are requesting resignation of the management of RTK 2 (KIM Radio)

The Journalist’s Association of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of K&M (DNKiM) are requesting resignation of the management of RTK 2 because of reporting during the Saturday’s protests in Pristina, the politicization of the profession, uncritical attitude towards the Kosovo authorities, the relation towards the profession and their reporters in the field.                                    &nbs

Condemnations of the attack on Serbian journalists (KIM Radio, RTK2))

Civic Initiative Srpska (CI Srpska) most sharply condemned the attack on the RTK2 Serbian journalists’ crew, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Bojan Kosanin, and RTS cameraman Vladimir Milic, during yesterday’s protests in Pristina.

“Threats and attacks on journalists prove to which extent media freedom is jeopardized in Kosovo despite all efforts invested by Serbs in building the trust and coexistence,” communicated CI Srpska.