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Hahn: No new members with neighbourhood problems (FoNet, TV N1)

European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said on Monday the European Union would not accept new members who have open issues with neighbours, TV N1 reported.

Hahn told the European Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is important and added that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is doing a brave job in the dialogue on normalization of Serbia-Kosovo relations.

Spanish veto for Kosovo at the summit in Sofia (Serbian media)

Spain has vetoed the draft text of a joint declaration planned for publication during the summit in Sofia, writes Spanish El Pais, Serbian media reports.

As stated, the reason is "not an EU foreign policy", rather the aim is that "the name and signature of Mariano Rajoy not to be found in the same document, on the same level as the leader of Kosovo", reports Serbian media.

Security strategy drafts: Kosovo, neutrality, dialogue (Tanjug, Blic, B92)

Serbia will not recognize Kosovo, it is stated in the drafts of the National Security Strategy and the Defense Strategy of the Ministry of Defense.

A public debate will be taking place on both drafts through May 15, where representatives of state bodies, professional public, as well as everyone interested will participate, Belgrade-based daily Blic is reporting.

Serbia’s National Dialogue on Kosovo: Scant Consensus, Much Scepticism (Balkan Insight)

Serbia is no closer to consensus on Kosovo nine months after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called a series of roundtable discussions on relations with the country’s former southern province. Critics are sceptical of Vucic’s soul-searching.

Vucic and Mogherini "don't agree on everything" (B92, BETA)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on Thursday afternoon in Belgrade with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, who on a tour of the region.

Vucic told a joint press conference that he talked with Mogherini about EU accession negotiations chapters, both those where Serbia has made progress, and those where the European Commission says no progress had been made.

The president said he and his guest "did not agree on everything."

Dacic: Kosovo cannot be topic of “foreign policy trade” (Tanjug, RTS, Danas)

Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic said Serbia wishes to reach a compromised solution for Kosovo and Metohija, but this issue cannot be used in foreign policy trade as a condition to enter the EU, Tanjug news agency reported.

Dacic made these remarks in a conference “Training of Political Leaders,” held in Belgrade, adding that dialogue with Pristina is conducted in order to reach an agreement, but it cannot be unilateral, respectively one side gets it all, and the other side nothing.

This and next year to be "crucial for Serbia's EU bid" (B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Tuesday with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi.

Fabrizi presented the Report of the European Commission on Serbia’s progress in the process of EU accession, the Serbian government announced on its website.

Palmer: No special pressure on Belgrade (Serbian media)

Acting Deputy Assistant US State Secretary Matthew Palmer says that America expects that Belgrade and Pristina, despite problems, continue their dialogue and he hopes for a normalization of relations by the end of the year.

Palmer told the Voice of America in Serbian language that America does not "put special pressure on Belgrade" in the direction of normalizing relations, that is, they make it on all participants in the negotiation process.

"Pristina admitted that Americans conduct their policy" (B92)

Pristina authorities have admitted that Americans conduct their foreign policy, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said.

Vucic made this comment after Ramush Haradinaj told Belgrade-based Happy TV that Kosovo "does not have a foreign policy and belongs to the club led by America." During the same interview, the Kosovo prime minister was asked if he ever killed anyone, and replied, "I don't know, probably, war is war."