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Djuric: The negotiations in 2016 to resolve issues in a sustainable way (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that negotiations with Pristina will continue in 2016 and that issues relating to the position of Serbs should be resolved in a sustainable way.

In a meeting with political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo, Djuric noted, speaking about the plans for 2016, that Serbia would strive to table the topics that Pristina had refused to discuss so far, which relate to the position of Serbs, their property, rights and quality of life.

Turkey's Islamist Agenda in Kosovo (The Huffington Post)

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed an audience in Prizren during an official visit to Kosovo in October 2013: "We all belong to a common history, common culture, common civilization. We are the people who are brethren of that structure. Do not forget, Turkey is Kosovo, Kosovo is Turkey!"

"Legally binding agreement with Pristina is not recognition" (RTS, Blic)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Radio Belgrade that Serbia "will do everything to, by 2018 or 2019, complete the negotiations with the EU so the organization can make a political decision on Serbia's full membership.

Dacic says that progress on all other chapters will depend on the progress made in chapter 35, which concerns normalization of relations with Pristina; he says " the problem is that it is not clear even to European Union what all implies this chapter.

Thaci: Ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said today during the meeting of the government that the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, will be respected. “We will respect the decision of the Constitutional Court. As foreseen, we will send again the statute and amendments to the Constitutional Court.” He also said that this issue should not be politicized.

Ambassador Kirby: Vucic and Mustafa to meet on 27 January (N1)

US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said in talking show "Pressing" on TV N1 that the prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo will meet on 27 January.

Speaking about the talks with Pristina, Kirby points out that it is good that there is constant contact and "already on 27 January, the prime ministers will meet".

Ambassador Kirby praised the work of Dacic's and Vucic's government, and the President Nikolic, and that he supports their work on the road to the EU, economic reforms, the dialogue with Pristina.

Albanians and Serbs getting closer (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo and Serbia do not sign agreements only in Brussels. On Monday they signed an economic agreement in Belgrade. This settlement came as a result of the joint meeting of Kosovo’s and Serbia’s Economic Chambers. Senior level officials of the both governments participated at the event, together with dozens of businessmen. Politicians were reserved about this meeting. Kosovo’s Minister for Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, did not mention the word “Republic” even once.

Islamism in Kosovo (The Huffington Post)

Albanians have always been intensely pro-American. Kosovars deeply appreciate the US-led NATO intervention in 1999, which put Kosovo on the path to independence. They are grateful to the US for coordinating Kosovo's recognition by the international community. Given the strong affinity between Albanians and the United States, the recent rise of Islamism in Kosovo is deeply troubling.

Numerous problems of Serbs in Gnjilane (RTK2)

Serbs in Gnjilane/Gjilan claim that their problems are numerous and that they have been forgotten by both, Serbian and Kosovo institutions.

St. Nicolas Church in Gnjilane/Gjilan is the only place where remaining Serbs from this town are gathering, but after the earthquake in 2003 the Church is in bad condition and needs reconstruction. Local health center in vicinity of the Church is also not functioning because of lack of staff.
