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Kosovo Business Alliance: CEFTA not recognizing Kosovo symbols (Kosovapress)

Officials from the Kosovo Business Alliance complained today that Kosovo is not being treated equally by the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) when it comes to the export of Kosovo produce. They said Kosovo faces numerous barriers at the border crossings and in addition, Kosovo is still represented at CEFTA through UNMIK symbols and not its own. The Kosovo Business Alliance urged institutions to make efforts in resolving the problems that the business community is facing.

Jahjaga: We should not risk our relations with the EU and the U.S. (media)

The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga praised the role of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, in her speech at the ceremony of its fortieth anniversary. “The Academy plays a role in strengthening of our young democracy. We should build the culture of dialogue which overcomes divisions through political forces. We should not dare risk our relation with the international factor, especially with the European Union and America and aggravates the life of the citizens of the country,” said Jahjaga.

M.Trajkovic: Albanians think they would be better off without Serbs (Blic)

The current political turmoil in Pristina most directly affects the safety and hopelessness of Serbs in Kosovo, says the leader of the Serbian Resistance Movement (SPOT) Momcilo Trajkovic.

He says that it is a strategy which aims a change of government among Albanians, but also that Serbian factor disappears which is disturbing for them.

-They feel that they would be better off without Serbs – says Trajkovic.

Pristina trying to table war reparations in the dialogue (Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina endeavors to place the issue of war reparations on the table in the dialogue with Belgrade in Brussels. This topic was mentioned by the Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga in her annual address to the Kosovo parliament. According to her the dialogue should continue, however new issues should be tabled as well, such as pensions and war reparations.

EU standards should be the same for Kosovo and Serbia! (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi in his opinion piece argues that Kosovo and Serbia are part of Europe and that European standards should be applied to solve problems between Kosovo and Serbia. "Albanians through dialogue wish to round up the process of independence and sovereignty and to be equal with the other countries of the world in this regard.  Serbs know that they cannot stop this, but at the same time require much more autonomy and rights for members of their community in Kosovo.