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Suspects in war crimes to be tried in absentia? (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Round table in organization of NGO Aktiv dealt with possible amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which would enable war crimes trials for persons in absentia.

In this way, many laws, international charter and conventions would be violated, it was said at a round table held in northern Mitrovica yesterday.

Positive or negative connotations that may arise have been discussed, if the amendment proposed by the Self-Determination is adopted.

Putin, Vucic on Kosovo issue (B92, Tanjug, Serbian media)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said during his visit to Serbia that "the Russian position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is known."

"We are in favor of a solution in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244," Putin, whose country does not recognize the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence made by ethnic Albanians in 2008, said in Belgrade on Wednesday.

Russian daily: Putin's visit is a test for Belgrade (B92)

Putin's visit to Belgrade is of political importance and should answer the question: is Serbia ready to be Moscow's key ally in the region, B92 portal reports, quoting Russian daily Kommersant.

If not, Serbia will continue its rapprochement with the EU and NATO, balancing between the West and Russia, assesses the Moscow daily.

OSCE: Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence in Kosovo (Facebook)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched today the report ''Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence in Kosovo. ''

The report provides an overview of current situation in the shelters for domestic violence in Kosovo, outlines the legal and institutional framework that regulates their functioning and municipal mechanisms on protection from domestic violence.

It elaborates on number of challenges and provides conclusions and a set of recommendations for institutions and shelters themselves.

Yuri Ushakov: Vladimir Putin will set out Moscow's position on Kosovo tomorrow (NSPM, Tanjug, TASS, Vecernje Novosti, RTS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will announce the position of Moscow on Kosovo in the course of the talks in Belgrade, reports the NSPM portal.

"This position is clear, consistent and based on international and legal frameworks, including those contained in UN Security Council Resolution 1244," said Yuriy Ushakov, Aide to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Chepurin: Russia sees what kind of pressure is exerted upon Serbia (Tanjug)

Regularity of Russian and Serbian presidents’ meetings indicates good relations between the two countries, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin told Tanjug news agency.

In addition to bilateral topics, the two officials would also discuss geopolitical matters, Ambassador Chepurin noted, adding that the situation in the world is getting complicated. The two presidents would also discuss the situation in the Balkans region.

EU is dead, don't give up Kosovo, French officer tells Serbs (BETA, B92)

Retired French Colonel Jacques Hogard, who in 1999 protected Serbs in Kosovo after the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army, met in Belgrade with Milos Jovanovic, leader of opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), BETA news agency reported.

According to a press release, Hogard and Jovanovic, discussed the situation in Kosovo, as well as the political situation in France and in the European Union.

Putin: Unlike the West, we're not making Serbia choose (Tanjug, B92, Vecernje Novosti, Politika)

Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country respect the Serbian leadership's decision to join the EU. “Unlike our Western partners, we do not try to pose an artificial dilemma for Belgrade and make Serbia choose whether to be with Russia or with the European Union," Putin said in an interview for Serbian dailies Politika and Vecernje Novosti.

Del Ponte: It's too late for the truth about the crimes in Kosovo (Blic, Tanjug, KIM radio, RTV Puls)

Former Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY, Carla del Ponte, says that it has been a long time since the crimes in Kosovo, and that she does not expect the Special Court to reach the truth and to satisfy justice, reports Serbian media, quoting Serbian state news agency Tanjug.

"It's too late to establish the truth about the crimes committed in Kosovo, and especially about the Yellow House. We tried then to do it, but we did not manage,'' Del Ponte told state news agency Tanjug in a telephone conversation.