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Shala: "We sit together in the Assembly, why not a joint army?" (RTK2)

Advisor to the Kosovo President Blerim Shala told the RTK2, (the Show "Poglavlje" (Chapter)), that "the momentum of the historic agreement between Kosovo and Serbia must be defined," and that there must be a time limit for the talks.

"In principle, we have to agree that something that remained, we have to end once and for all".

Rakic: The same attitude on the Kosovo army; there are no more negotiations on the ZSO (Kontakt plus radio, Politika)

President of the Serb List Goran Rakic in an interview for the Belgrade based daily Politika rejected speculations and reiterated the unique position of that party, that it would not support the formation of the Kosovo army, and said that there are no further negotiations on the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and that he expects its formation.

Nataliya Apostolova: The time needed for ZSO (RTK2)

Members of the Serbian List met with the head of the EU office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova. During the meeting, they explained how they will perform in this assembly, and pointed out the key problems that Serbs from Kosovo are facing, reports RTK2.

Srpska Lista: We will not give our votes to Kosovo Army (Vecernje Novosti)

Srpska Lista keeps the stance that based on the UN SC Resolution 1244, KFOR is the only armed force in Kosovo, stated Igor Simic, spokesperson of the Srpska Lista, commenting on the announcement of the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci who said Kosovo Army would be established by the end of this year, Novosti daily reported today.

Ruairí O’Connell: The army through the constitution but reach the Serbs on the ground (Blic, KoSSev)

Transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the armed forces of Kosovo is not seen as a threat, it must be done through the constitution and it is important to reach the Kosovo Serb community on the ground in order to guarantee security and peace to everyone, says Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Pristina Ruairí O’Connell in an inteview with KoSSeV, reports daily Blic.

Vulin: Serbian List will not allow creation of Kosovo Army (N1, Politika)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin says that the Serbian List will not allow formation of Kosovo armed forces and that no one can persuade the Serbian government to agree with the formation of Kosovo Army.

Vulin told Politika daily that "there is nobody who can convince us and make us accept that the Kosovo Army can exist on the territory of the province."

B92: Serbs join new Kosovo government led by Haradinaj (Serbian media)

The 120-seat Kosovo Assembly on Sunday elected Ramush Haradinaj, the PDK-led coalition candidate, as new head of the Kosovo government.

61 voted in favor, while one member of the Assembly abstained.

After the session, members of the Self-Determination and the coalition gathered around the LDK left the session and did not attend the taking of the oath of office of Haradinaj and the members of his government.

SLS reaction to the Sputnik's article: Inaccurate and malicious information (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTK2)

The Independent Liberal Party (SLS) reacted today to the Sputnik's text "Secret Recipe for the Kosovo Army", that media in Belgrade and in Kosovo quoted.

According to the SLS announcement, "some media, after the elections, continue to publish false and malicious information about some Serb politicians who are not part of the Serbian List."

B92: Sputnik writes about "secret recipe for Kosovo army" (Sputnik, KIM radio)

Alongside the negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority in Pristina, preparations are being made to transform the Kosovo Security Force into an army.

Sputnik is reporting it learned unofficially that the formation of the Kosovo army will be an item of the agenda of a future government, and of the Assembly in Pristina.

B92: Croatia to have some role concerning Kosovo army (Večernje Novosti)

Croatia will not directly engage in the formation of the Kosovo army - as has been announced by candidate for Kosovo PM Alibin Kurti, writes Vecernje Novosti.

However, the daily - that refers to Kurti as "the leader of the Self-Determination" - adds that it learned from "well-informed military and political circles in Zagreb" that if the West gives green light to Pristina to transform the Kosovo Security Forces into armed forces, Croatia "will provide assistance first in military training."