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McAllister: Brussels appreciates the constructive efforts of Serbia (Blic, B92, KIM radio)

The EP rapporteur for Serbia welcomed the initiative to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo and added that Serbia's constructive approach is highly appreciated in Brussels, KIM radio reported McAllister’s statement to the daily newspapers Blic.

"Yes, I welcome the initiative of President Aleksandar Vučić to launch a domestic dialogue on this issue," David McAllister told daily Blic.

Hodžić: Citizens to support those who successfully lead Mitrovica (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

The head of the administration of the municipality of Mitrovica Adrijana Hodžić says that citizens should come out to the upcoming local elections in a large numbers and support those who have successfully managed this city for four years.

Hodžić says, in a statement delivered to Kontakt plus radio, that the elections are a holiday of democracy, and on October 22 to choose the best who will lead North Mitrovica.

Ivanović: Citizens and local self-government will suffer the damage caused by the pressures (KIM radio)

"It is unimaginable what kinds of pressure are suffering all the members of the SDP who were running for the forthcoming local elections," Oliver Ivanović said after the resignation of Dr Zoran Spasojević's candidature.

Commenting on Spasojević’s decision to withdraw his candidacy for the councillor in front of the CI SDP list for the upcoming local elections, Oliver Ivanović says that such a decision was influenced by pressure.

Investigation launched against Bogdan Mitrović (KIM radio)

The investigation against Bogdan Mitrović began yesterday and will end on September 22, after which Pristina prosecution will decide whether his custody will be extended, lawyer Dejan A. Vasić said yesterday, reports KiM radio.

Lawyer Dejan Vasić told Beta news agency that the investigation in the Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina began with the hearing of the prosecution's main witness.

Rahim Pacolli seek dismissal of Nenad Rikalo, the new Minister of Agriculture (KIM radio)

Rahim Pacolli, secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance, asked Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj to dismiss Agriculture Minister Nenad Rikalo, reports KIM radio.

Pacolli claims that Rikalo has committed war crimes in Kosovo, and that he should therefore be tried and punished.

"Party of Kosovo Serbs congratulates Vučić the coalition with Haradinaj" (KIM radio)

"Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS), attacked by Aleksandar Vučić and the official Belgrade for non-existent cooperation with the" war coalition "in Kosovo, congratulates Vučić and the Serbian government the coalition with Ramush Haradinaj," said the PKS in a statement, reports KIM radio.

Slavko Simić: Great Responsibility in Parliament (KiM Radio)

Newly elected Kosovo Parliament Vice President Slavko Simić says that he is honoured and pleased that he was nominated and elected deputy chairman of the parliament.

"For me, a great responsibility and obligation, to make efforts, in the coming period through the Presidency and the Parliament, to protect Serbian national interests and improve the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija through organized political activity with the parliamentary club of the Serbian List,'' wrote Simić on Facebook.

Simić: They must respect the Serbian people (KIM radio)

Pristina's media has been reporting since this morning that the Serbian list lost enthusiasm after Pacolli's party entered the PAN coalition, and that the Serbs will not support the election of Ramush Haradinaj as prime minister, reports KIM radio today.

Igor Simić, however, did not want to comment these allegations, saying that it was good that things began to move towards institution-forming, emphasizing that the Serbian List is open for talks.

Lawyer Jovanka Savić sues British KFOR (RTS, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Lawyer Jovanka Savić tries to invoke the responsibility of the British part of KFOR, for not providing security to citizens in the period when NATO entered Kosovo. She also questions the responsibility of UNMIK and EULEX for inertia in investigating crimes against civilians, RTS reports.