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Carpenter for VoA: Elections stop Serbia-Kosovo agreement, what is plan B if the exchange of territories plan fail (Serbian media)

American Balkans experts Michael Carpenter told the Voice of America that the coming elections in Kosovo and Serbia could slow down the process of reaching an agreement to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations.

Carpenter, formerly a senior Department of Defense official for Russia, the Balkans Eurasia, said that election season is a very bad time to reach international agreements because it is a good time for people who advocate hard-line political stands.

Vucic for TV Prva: "West expects KiM issue to be resolved quickly, Bolton will not come" (Serbian media)

We are facing difficult talks with the West, which expects a swift resolution of the Kosovo issue, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Belgrade based TV Prva this morning.

Serbian media quotes Vucic as saying that "it is not only a matter of deadline, it is a matter of substance when it comes to KiM", emphasizing that "the problem is what we will agree".

Drecun for Politika: There are witnesses, they should be protected (Serbian media)

KiM Assembly Committee Chairman Milovan Drecun said there is new evidence against Ramus Haradinaj for crimes he has not been tried for, reports Serbian media, quoting daily Politika.

Drecun said this to Belgrade based daily Politika and added that Serbian authorities had found a way to speak with the Hague prosecutor, even though it was part of ''the unrecognized Kosovo judiciary''.

"We have put in place a mechanism to avoid any interpretation of recognizing self-proclaimed Kosovo through cooperation with the prosecution," Drecun said.

Defense Ministry: Serbian military got most donations from Russia (N1, B92)

Regional broadcaster N1 reports that the Defense Ministry said that the Serbian military gets its biggest donations from Russia and added the Ministry Informer did not publish the correct figures because it did not include donations which are underway. Thus, the Ministry denied Serbian media reporting that US was the biggest donator to the Serbian Army.

VoA: New US ambassador says Serbia must normalize relations with Kosovo (Serbian media)

The new US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey told a Senate hearing that the normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations would be his priority during his term as Washington‘s envoy.

Serbia is a political and economic leader and plays the key role in regional stability.

''Russian weapons for Serbia a threat to region'', Kosovo official says (N1, FoNet, B92, Blic)

Kosovo’s deputy Defense Minister Burim Ramadani said on Tuesday that the arming of Serbia with Russian weapons is a threat to the Balkan region, Pristina press reported. Belgrade based daily Blic reports that US is the biggest donator for the Serbian Army.

Ramadani is quoted as saying that this is Serbia’s and Russia’s revenge against NATO member states. Serbia has turned into a mini-Russia and this causes concern across the region, reports regional broadcaster N1.

Unprecedented move of Pristina and a slap to the EU, says Serbian FM Dacic (Serbian media)

Pristina's decision to ban entry to Serbian officials to Kosovo is unprecedented, said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

He told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that the decision is another slap, not to Belgrade, but above all the European Union and the international community, which shamelessly is silent to the violation of all civilization norms that have been practiced for years by Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci.

Vecernje Novosti: ''CIA protege involved in Ivanovic's murder? Suspected of 'NisEkspres' bus explosion" (Serbian media)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti today's edition on its front page carries a headline ''Protege of CIA 'a brain' of the Ivanovic's liquidation''. Daily writes that Serbian's authorities have photographs that clarify the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, as well as the name of a person suspected of being a direct perpetrator of the murder.

Taxes remain, no dialogue without Serbia's recognition, Kosovo's PM says (KoSSev, Beta, B92)

Ramush Haradinaj, Kosovo's Prime Minister, told KoSSev portal that a solution for the normalisation of relations between Pristina and Belgrade was in Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo's independence and that without it the import taxes would stay in place and there wouldn’t be any dialogue.