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Hasani: Agreement on telephone code, harmful for Kosovo (RTK)

Bajram Hasani, member of the leadership of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) has objected the agreement for the new telephone prefix for Kosovo. Hasani said a third party, in this case Austria, should not be applying at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for Kosovo’s prefix. “NISMA is against this agreement knowing that it is conditioned with application of a third state, in this case Austria, to apply for this code, which means that Kosovo would only be a user while Serbia would be the owner.

Kosovo government insists offer to discuss demarcation is serious (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, is expected to step up his efforts to resolve the dispute among political parties on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro as soon as he returns from his trip to the US. Mustafa’s advisor, Faton Abdullahu, said the offer to discuss border demarcation is serious and is aimed at enabling all sides to present their facts. “The invitation should not be viewed or analysed based on who will shift their position, who will return the issue back to the beginning or on other things of such nature. The main thing it to present facts”, said Abdullahu.

Hoti: No money for pensions of KLA veterans (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Avdullah Hoti, said today that his ministry has not managed to secure sufficient funds to provide pensions for the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veterans. He said the number of veterans is increasing and the total amount of money dedicated for their pensions is not being approved by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “It is important we find a solution as soon as possible but as things stand, at present there are no funds,” said Hoti.

EU: First demarcation then visas (RTK)

The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) voted against beginning of negotiations on the liberalisation of visas for citizens of Kosovo. The S&D Group remains strongly in favour of visa liberalisation, however this can only begin when the government of Kosovo has addressed all the outstanding issues.

LDK expects its MPs to vote ratification of the agreement on demarcation (RTKlive)

The leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo discussed at its meeting today the agreement for the demarcation of the border line between Kosovo and Montenegro.

They reconfirmed the unanimous support of LDK structures for LDK MPs who would vote for the ratification of the agreement, approved by local and international experts and strongly supported by the United States of America and other European partner countries, says a press release issued by this party.

Vetevendosje: Weapons seized not related to recent explosions (media)

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, told a press conference in Pristina today that the Vetevendosje activists, who were arrested by police today over their alleged participation in a bomb attack on the Kosovo Assembly on August 4, are innocent and that the weapons seized during the raids today have nothing to do with the bomb attack. Telegrafi quotes Ymeri as saying, “the Kosovo Police is continuing to frame cases against Vetevendosje activists with the same methods previously used by the Serbian State Security Service”.

Prosecution confirms police raids and arrests over bomb attack on Assembly (media)

Pristina-based news website Lajmi reports that six activists of the Vetevendosje Movement, have been arrested today over recent violent acts, such as the throwing bombs at the Kosovo Assembly and the Radio Television of Kosovo. Vetevendosje spokesman Frasher Krasniqi is also believed to be among those arrested. According to the news website, relatives of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri are also among those arrested. They were reportedly found with arms and ammunition.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija concerned over escalation of violence (Tanjug)

The Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija condemned Monday in the strongest of terms a bomb attack on the home of Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) Director Mentor Salja, expressing concern over an escalation of violence and extremism in Serbia's southern province.