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"Russophobe NATO enthusiast" - opposition politician slammed (B92, Tanjug)

Ruling SNS party's Vice President Marko Djuric says it is absurd for opposition politician Vuk Jeremic to talk about Serbian-Russian relations.

Djuric, who also serves as director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, added on Wednesday that Jeremic, Serbia's former foreign minister, was part of a regime during which relations between the two nations and states had been brought to "the lowest level in history."

Stefanovic advises Vucic to leave Kosovo issue to someone else (Vecernje Novosti,N1,Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s close associate, Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said he would advise the president to do nothing about Kosovo and leave the problem to someone else.

Stefanovic told Monday’s issue of Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti that it would be hard to find a solution to the Kosovo problem in 2019.

Vucic: "When they erase border in March, taxes will be revoked" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out on Sunday that the Albanians will try to bring the whole international community to a "fait accompli."

Vucic made this statement after Ramush Haradinaj said that "the border between Kosovo and Albania" was disappearing.

US Ambassador Philip Kosnett: There is no way to maintain status quo (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)

In an interview to KoSSev news portal, U.S. Ambassador in Pristina, Philip Kosnettt said that he thought that 2019 “must be the year of a comprehensive agreement”. “If the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo does not improve, it will become even worse. There is really no option to retain the status quo”.

Ambassador Kosnett emphasized his country wants to see a “creative, comprehensive agreement between the two countries”, which must take into account the care and security of Serbs in Kosovo and that it cannot be ignored.

Beqaj: The idea of demarcation has diminished the value of the dialogue (Danas, RTK2)

The Draft Law on Dialogue with Serbia means the official Pristina new approach in Brussels talks, but the question is whether it is realistic and whether it will be applicable in the further course of the dialogue process, professor and expert for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Belul Beqaj said.

Dacic "wishes we never had common state with Montenegro" (Tanjug, B92, Dan)

It's ridiculous that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic says Serbia's relations with "neighbors Zagreb, Pristina, and Podgorica" have been strained. First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated this, adding that it was also ridiculous to say that Montenegro was "not making anti-Serb decisions, but those in its own interest."

"I suppose Djukanovic means Montenegrin interests, which is nice - because Serbia is also making decisions in its own interest," Dacic told Podgorica-based daily Dan. "Should I apologize to somebody because of that?," he asked.

"Who came up with this and what will we sign in Washington?" (B92, Tanjug, RTS)

Aleksandar Vucic says it's not clear to him how Hashim Thaci came up with stating that an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina would be signed in Washington.

Vucic told RTS late on Thursday that he "knows neither who came up with it, nor when Thaci was told this," and also wondered, "what are we supposed to sign."

As he pointed out, a Kosovo solution is not in sight, and added that he had "stressed this before."

Trajkovic: Serbia must not recognize Kosovo (Danas, NIN, N1)

Serbia cannot recognize the independence of Kosovo, because if it does, neither region nor Serbia will receive anything, said president of the European Movement in Kosovo Rada Trajkovic to the Belgrade based weekly NIN and estimated that this would lead to destabilization of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

Balkans "among priorities of Romania's EU presidency" (Serbian Government, B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic received on Wednesday in Belgrade Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu, who was on an official visit here.

According to the Serbian Government, Dacic thanked Melescanu for attending a joint press conference after his meeting in the Palace of Serbia, "because he came to Serbia only a few days before Romania takes over the EU Council Presidency."

He pointed out that relations between Serbia and Romania are "very friendly."