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Vulin, Djuric condemn incident in Staro Gracko (RTS)

Serbian Defence Minister, Aleksandar Vulin reacting to the incident in Staro Gracko village told RTS that in a village where Serb harvesters were executed, Albanians are now attacking a six-month old babies and arrest Serbs who dare to defend their children.

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said that “entire Serbia is appalled with savaging against Serbs in a series of incidents that took place over the last few days, in which displaced persons, village inhabitants, children and even the babies are not spared”.

Vecernje Novosti: Serbian Army has response to Pristina’s plan

Possible intrusion of the Kosovo Security Forces to crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak would not go without reaction from Belgrade, Vecernje Novosti wrote yesterday.

As daily earlier reported, Pristina’s plan to take over control of the administrative crossing points in the north of Kosovo, supported by NATO allies, could “inflame” entire region and Belgrade through unofficial channels has warned important European stakeholders of danger and domino effects of such scenario.

Defense minister reacts to position of Church on Kosovo (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) is one of the most respected institutions and its recommendations on Kosovo and Metohija will be respected.

However, this will not determine state policy, says Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

Vulin told TV Pink that the SOC is owed attention, respect and gratitude for everything it has always been doing, but that Serbia is a secular state where politicians, elected by the people in elections, make decisions.

“Discharge” to KFOR would ablaze Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Announced withdrawal of a military mission from Kosovo would destabilize the entire region and endanger survival of Serbs, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today.

The daily continued Serbia would seek support from the two influential UN SC member states, Russia and China, in order to prevent obvious plans of Pristina’s allies to withdraw KFOR and EULEX missions from Kosovo and Metohija.

“States arrest, terrorists kidnap – they have shown true face” (BETA, TV Pink)

Serbian Defense Minister, Aleksandar Vulin told the BETA news agency, he supports the decision of Srpska Lista to leave Kosovo Government, adding they should have done it much earlier.

“I support the decision of Srpska Lista and they should have done it earlier on the occasion of other anti-Serbian moves taken by Ramush Haradinaj,” Vulin said.

“It was needed to bring them down earlier, but this is an excellent day to bring that government down. Let them go before inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija and elaborate on what are they doing.”

NATO general "understands how Serbs feel about NATO" (B92)

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Petr Pavel has told that cooperation with the European Union and NATO "goes hand in hand".

Speaking to Filip Cukanovic after a meeting with Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Pavel also said he was "always satisfied after meeting with partner countries" and that "there is a plan for the future".

Serbian Ministry of Defence "pleased Pentagon doesn't share US general's position" (B92)

We are pleased it has been clarified that General Scaparrotti's recent statements about Serbia and the Serb nation "are not the stance of the Pentagon."

The Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website.

The announcement came after the US Department of Defence said on Thursday it was "misinformation" that prompted Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin to criticize US Europe Commander Curtis Scaparrotti.

Vulin: If Pristina does not form a ZSO, overthrow the government (Blic)

If Pristina is not able to apply the agreement on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), then the Serbian List should withdraw the support to the government and to overthrow it, says Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.