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Krivokapic:  No one knows when integrated judiciary would revive (Kontkat plus radio)

A judge, Jelena Krivokapic, stated that decent citizens are the biggest losers due to postponement of the implementation of the agreement on the integrated judiciary in Kosovo, Kontakt plus radio reported. Krivokapic also said, at this moment, no one knows when the integrated judiciary shall revive.

“We should start solving the problem. That is crucial for me. The problem exists for 17 years and we should start to resolve it”.

Asked, what is the status of the Serbian judges and prosecutors in Kosovo, Krivokapic responded – unchanged.

Boris Tadic: Dialogue after signing Brussels agreement makes no sense (Blic)

Former President of Serbia, Boris Tadic commenting on Aleksandar Vucic call for a nationwide dialogue on Kosovo issues, stated to Blic that he has presented his plan five years ago and it contained four topics.

After signing the Brussels agreement this plan is no longer implementable, so some solutions that were possible then are not possible now as it is too late.

Rašić: The Prime Minister does not respect the agreement (KIM radio)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa does not respect the agreement that was made in Brussels, said MP of the Serbian List Nenad Rašić.

Member of the Parliament of Kosovo Nenad Rašić said this commenting the statement of the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that representatives of the Serbian List are not interested in forming a Community of Serb municipalities.

Four years after the Brussels Agreement, ZSO not in sight (RTS)

It's been four years since the signing of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of relations. As the biggest success was seen the agreement on formation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO), that still does not exist.

Marić: Drafting of the Statute of the ZSO within the competence of the Management Team (TV Most)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić says that that drafting of the Statute of the Community/Association of the Serb municipalities is entirely the responsibility of the Management Team, and representatives of the Serbian people in Kosovo, as well as that all the announcements of Albanian officials in Pristina on this occasion can only be the result of ignorance or deliberate attempt to mislead the public and further avoidance of the formation of the ZSO.

Hoxha: Nine Serbs passed the Kosovo bar exam (RTK2)

The Brussels agreement on the judiciary was supposed to start on January 10, but this is still pending. The Parliamentary Commission on Legislation organized a public debate to inform the public about the reasons for non-implementation of this Agreement.

The Commission invited the Minister for dialogue Edita Tahiri and Minister of Justice Dhurata Hoxha to inform MPs and the public about the reasons for the delay of the integration of the Serbian judiciary into Kosovo's system.

Tahiri: Situation in the north prevented implementation of justice agreement (Klan Kosova)

media.unmikonlineKosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said at the meeting of the Assembly’s commission for legislation that recent tensions in the north have prevented implementation of justice agreement that was supposed to begin on 10 January.  Tahiri said all preparation for the agreement’s implementation are in place and that integration of Serb judges and prosecutors in

Mogherini: The agreement of the meeting in Brussels has not been respected (B92, RTS)

Brussels - High Representative the European Union Federica Mogherini expressed "regret that all sides in the dialogue" did not respect the last night's agreement in Brussels.

As noted, the deal was to overcome the tension and not to comment in public about discussion in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

AAK’s Lekaj: Dialling code, success for Serbia (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Pal Lekaj, said the most recent telecommunication agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is very damaging for Kosovo. According to Lekaj, the dialing code is not international but rather provincial. “I can call this a success for Serbia not Kosovo,” Lekaj said.

Kosovo-Serbia Agreements Were Doomed From the Start (BalkanInsight)

It is no surprise that none of the four agreements signed last year have got anywhere when both governments have been insincere about the normalisation process from the beginning.

From the start, the Brussels negotiation process met with serious criticism from civil society and public. The lack of transparency in the process and the exclusion of all parts of society except for governments contributed to the growth of fear and distrust among people on both sides.