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Jaksic: Exaggerated stories on humanitarian catastrophe (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, representative of the national movement of the Serbs "Fatherland", said in an interview with Belgrdae based daily Danas that the state pharmacies in Mitrovica North are not full, but he says that they were not full even before the sanctions. The shops and private pharmacies are full and adds that they would be even fuller if Belgrade allowed alternative ways of supplying goods, but official Belgrade does not allow it, so it can continue spreading the story of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Solution to Kosovo problem throws a shadow at other important issues (Danas, FoNet, N1)

Norwegian ambassador to Belgrade, Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, told the Belgrade Danas daily on Friday that Serbia’s membership to the European Union did not depend only on a solution to the Kosovo issue, but also on the rule of law and media reforms, the FoNet news agency reported.

Biserko: Is it worth to sacrifice Serbs from Kosovo because of the agreement on the division of territory? (NMagazin, Danas)

Chairperson of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Sonja Biserko assessed for Belgrade-based daily Danas that the division of Kosovo and the exchange of territory became legitimate option for a part of the international community and warned that such a solution would sacrifice the fate of the Serbs there.

Biserko told Danas that the Serbian Orthodox Church is aware of the dangers of dividing the territory.

Jeremic: Flag of Kosovo in Notre-Dame do not affect them; diplomatic and media 'blitzkrieg' in 2019 (Danas)

National People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic said that Kosovo flag in Notre-Dame do not 'affect too much' the state top of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

He also said that representative of Kosovo would not have been invited to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, if the "performance" of Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci was not foreseen for this occasion.

"It's all part of a political Kosovo pot" (Serbian media, International media)

Serbian media covers and today the issue of the disclosure of the letter of the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki R. Haley, proposing the departure of UNMIK from Kosovo.

After yesterday's reports on the indignation of Serbian officials, today the media covers comments and opinions of people familiar with the Kosovo situation as well as international law.

NATO for Danas daily: The decision of the Kosovo authorities

NATO supports the development of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) within its current mandate. The KSF is a professional force and a source of regional stability, said a NATO official in Brussels to Belgrade-based daily Danas, who wanted to remain anonymous and stressed that "it is important to say that when launching any initiatives regarding the mandate of the Kosovo Security Force, it should be fully consulted with all communities in Kosovo , as well as all NATO allies."

The Specialized Chambers of Kosovo will not comment on Dacic's "exclusivity" (Danas)

On the occasion of the statement by Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic that the prison in Scheveningen is about to accept the first indictees for KLA crimes, the Specialized Chambers Kosovo briefly responded to Belgrade's daily Danas that they cannot comment on operational issues.

The daily recall Dacic's statement that the prison in Scheveningen is about to accept the first indictees.

Brnabic instead of Vucic in New York (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is not going to the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly next week, instead Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will go to New York, finds out Belgrade-based daily Danas from the circles close to the top state authorities.