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Djuric: Electoral months ahead of us (Akter)

Serbian Progressive Party in the Kosovo Morava region gained around 2,000 new members, said Marko Djuric in Zebince, near Novo Brdo, a member of the Main Board and the Presidium of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and pointed out that the SNS will participate in all elections.

The objective of SNS in elections, he points out, is victory at all levels - a victory against unemployment, victory against corruption and victory for strong institutions.

National reconciliation and elections (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi writes that after the verdict of the Constitutional Court on the establishment of the Association/Community of the Serb-majority municipalities, the 200 thousand signatures of the petition against this Association, tens of thousands of protesters, the only solution for the situation in Kosovo appears to be early elections. However, new elections would be a solution only if the five main political parties of Albanian majority reach a consensus on a several-points plan for national reconciliation.

Analysts argue early elections are a dangerous option (RTK)

Some political analysts in Pristina are arguing that early parliamentary elections, requested by the opposition parties, are a dangerous option given the current political circumstances. Officials at the Central Election Committee (CEC) told the news site they are ready to organize elections at any time but that there is no indication that they could be held soon. CEC chairperson Valdete Daka said no one has contacted her about the possibility of early elections. “No one has requested this, no one has contacted us and we are not making any preparations.

Unconditioned dialogue, including early elections (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi writes today that quarrels and aggressive discourse against the opposition cannot overcome the situation “of the small and clashed country” as referred to Kosovo in the western media. He considers that the solution stands in an offer for a political, unconditioned discussion, which would not exclude early elections.

Pacolli: Kosovo needs new elections (Gazeta Blic)

The New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader Behxhet Pacolli said today that the Kosovo government should resign and make way for early parliamentary elections. “I am confident that the country does not need the recent events and sights at the Kosovo Assembly. The people of Kosovo today are faced with survival problems and the Mustafa government has failed from its first day in office. In order to save the country from a deeper crisis and from eventual riots, I believe the government should resign and new elections should be held,” Pacolli wrote on his Facebook account.

Vucic rescues himself with elections and Putin (Vesti)

The only possible exit from the labyrinth in which the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic found himself, after the extradition of the draft platform of 36 points for Chapter 35, which represents the essential recognition of Kosovo's statehood, are the early parliamentary elections and Russia's help.

Analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic predicts such an option.

Elections or elections (Klan Kosova)

Ardian Gjini, member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), considers that the created situation during this last month imposes finding of a new solution. However, he adds, prior to any possible solution, one should consider the damages caused to the political process in Kosovo, not only during the 17 recent months, but from December 2010. Gjini notes that the Constitution of Kosovo has been abused many times since then. He considers that economic, social and security crisis are not as terrible as the loss of faith of the people of Kosovo.

Opposition parties want early elections (Gazeta Express/TV Dukagjini)

The Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have reached a principle agreement on a joint election list and have agreed to block the institutional life until Kosovo goes to early parliamentary elections. Unnamed sources told TV Dukagjini that the opposition wants elections to be held in late October or early November. The same sources said that the agreement led to the AAK and NISMA joining the Vetevendosje action of throwing eggs at Prime Minister Mustafa at the Assembly today.

ZAO failed (Blic)

Local elections in Medvedja showed that the idea of ​​Albanian parties from southern Serbia on forming a Community of Albanian Municipalities (ZAO) is not possible. Victory of the election list SNS-SPS-PUPS (Progressives, Socialists and Pensioners) and defeat of the Albanian parties showed that Medvedja will not be part of the announced ZAO, which is expected to join the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac.

Thaci either president or prime minister (Bota Sot)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Kushtrim Gashi, if the current governing coalition does not manage to implement the agreement between the two major parties for Hashim Thaci to become the president of Kosovo, then this coalition would conclude by the end of 2016, and early elections would proceed. Kosovo would be saved from early elections only if some of the deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo have already stated that they would not vote Thaci for the president, change their minds.