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TV Most crew from north assaulted near Pristina (B92, RTS, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

A crew from TV Most, a broadcaster based in Zvečan/Zveçan, northern Kosovo, was attacked on Tuesday as they were reporting from the town of Obilić/Obiliq, near Pristina.

The broadcaster said that "a younger" ethnic Albanian man first attacked verbally journalist Jasmina Stojković, cameraman Boban Sekulić, and driver Aleksandar Sotlić, and then physically.

Djuric: We are not interested in the decisions of the court in Pristina (TV Most)

Belgrade is not interested in the decisions of the constitutional court in Pristina, or it oblige us, nor we are interested, told RTS the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric. He points out that message of Serbia to all European officials is clear and that it does not accept unilateral changing of the agreement reached.

The Serbian List satisfied with the talks in Brussels (RTS)

The Serbian List was very pleased with the results of the negotiations in Brussels and emphasizes that determination to defend national interests are to be proved by deeds, what the Serbian government continuously confirms.

The Serbian List emphasize that the problems with ID cards, holding of elections, the arrival of Serbian officials and the transport of dangerous goods is of great importance for the Serbian people in Kosovo.

"Mountaineers" desecrate Serbian Orthodox church in Pristina (B92, RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

Pristina-based Albanian language website indeksonlajn has published photographs of two young men climbing an unfinished Orthodox temple.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is quoting local media as reporting that the scene was one of "a climbing challenge, to the top of the Orthodox church in Pristina."

The two unknown persons climbed up to the highest dome of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina.

Pantović: Lawyers from abroad offered help to Ivanovic (RTS)

Ljubomir Pantovic, one of the lawyers in the case against Oliver Ivanovic, says that Ivanovic is optimistic and believes that the Appellate Court will rule according to the evidence. Yesterday, EULEX judges submitted a written decision to Ivanovic defence lawyers, and in next 15 days they will submit an appeal. Lawyers from abroad and central Serbia joined the defence team, which should prove that Oliver Ivanović is not guilty.


Explosive device thrown outside Serb home in Lipljan/Lipjan (RTS)

An explosive device has been thrown outside the entrance to the family home of Zlatko Lazic, the President of the interim municipal authority of Lipljan/Lipjan in Kosovo.

A threatening message was left on the auxiliary building in the yard. The message was written in the Serbian language.

The police arrived on the scene and carried out an investigation.


Stojanovic: Pristina to take the responsibility and implement the agreed in Brussels (Blic, Novi Magazin, RTS)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that he expects much greater involvement of the international community in order to implement all the agreed from Brussels. Stojanovic was a guest in the show "Dogovor" (Agreement), broadcasted on the independent Serbian television network in Kosovo and B92 Info channel.

Municipality Prilužje, a new trigger for the Kosovo opposition protests (RTS)

Supporters of Kosovo's opposition gathered for a new protest, in Vucitrn / Vushtrri, against the formation of Prilužje municipality, which should encompass Plemetina, Babin Most, Grace, Crkvena Vodica and Janina Voda, Serbian villages in Obilic municipality. While Serbian representatives have not yet formally submitted a request to the government for the formation of a new municipality, the Albanian opposition claims that this would be a means for Beograd to control the excavation of the coal around existing power plants.

Maric: The issue of "Trepca" should be resolved in Brussels (RTS)

Minister for Local Government Administration in Kosovo Ljubomir Maric told RTS that the Serb representatives will not participate in the Commission that will propose a law specifying the ownership and functioning of Trepca Complex. This issue should be addressed at the Brussels level, said Maric. He said that Serb representatives tried to tell Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that the decision on the establishment of the Commission is wrong.